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  • Profile photo of muppsmupps
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 4

    Are we legally entitled to do this?

    My concern is that the NSW Fair Trading states that a transfer is allowed between funds BUT it must be repaid by way of special levy within 3 months.

    My problem being we don’t want to repay this as the sinking fund should have been debited in the first instance instead of the admin fund.

    Profile photo of muppsmupps
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 4

    Thanks for the responses.

    Well i've managed to ride it out thus far. Have the distinct impression the other party has pulled out from the race.

    I've also come across some further issues with the building itself and have since adjusted my asking price to factor in required repairs.

    The ball is now in the vendor's court – they appear like they won't move down.

    But i'm much more comfortable with the situation now. Guess i got caught up in it all. At least this last week has been a big learning curve and i've gained a wealth of knowledge!

    Time to play the waiting game…

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