To choose one person is extremely difficult as has already been stated.
(Sooshie, Westan, Melbear, Bill, Minimogul, Richmond, Steve(himself), Enjolady( and thanks Leigh, my glove turned up this week-now have to learn how to drive it), xyzzy, Mortgage Hunter, rAty and Pinkeeeeeeeee, Aussierogue, and…[Read more]
You have to watch that Propertyuurg fella carefully.
He built his great tally of postings in only a few nights when he and rAty were racing to see you could be the first to 1000 postings to see what would happen.
eg whether they would metamorphosis into something desireable or not.
Actually it was very entertaining reading all the…[Read more]
The prize for selecting the countries in the correct according to Sadam aka George will be that instead of
being shot by a firing squad
using automatic weapons
is that you will be
Ether yor NZ speek is pritty good or mi Ossie speek is pritty good bt I coold understand u quite well when u and yor luvely wife came visiting recintly.
Noneed to lern nu werds as our langiwg is pritty close.
pigs are policemen for aresting pepall not for haning cloths.
quote: had never intended nor considered that I would have any influence on anyone by the way. I see this forum as a collective thought, from which we choose to gain or dismiss knowledge that fits or contrasts our thinking.
Came across this on another forum and I think it makes a good point about reading books.
However, the one good point that was made, that has stuck with me, was on the cost of books – paying NZ$30-50 for a book may seem steep, but every book was different ideas, and if only one idea in the book saves or makes you a more profitable…[Read more]
Have you tried looking at ebay or for property books. I’ve bought one of Napolean Hill’s books from trademe for only a few dollars.
Other books which I would like to add to my library have gone for more than I was willing to pay. But I keep looking.