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  • Mumof5 replied to the topic Family Trusts and impact on personal income in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks TerryNo not a contractor,  Defence which was why we couldn't understand how his friend has apparently halved his income.   I was reading somewhere that PPOR status is lost once you move into another home you own?  So does that mean you retain that as your PPOR and not claim PPOR on the new propert?  We are always moving due to job post…[Read more]

  • Mumof5 replied to the topic Family Trusts and impact on personal income in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks it didn't add up to either of us.  We looked into Trusts 10 years ago and hubby was turned off then by the Stamp Duty costs (which are now higher).  CGT for 2 of the properties isn't an issue as they have exemptions.  Hubby also said the only way his income could be halved is he is making huges losses.  Something we don't want.  I'm lean…[Read more]


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