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  • Interesting post but I still don’t get it.

    You say it costs $7k per annum to get $93k. (This i get).

    But…If I earnt $100k i’d pay approx $50k in tax but I’d have $50k to call my own. With the $93k I use for living/investing, it’s is now a debt. $50k to call my own or $93K I owe. Maybe I’m missing the point but what’s the benefit of doing this?

    Be gentle I’m just learning [biggrin]

    I don’t know if this will be helpful or not but it works for me.

    I always ask to speak to management (go straight to the top). I then tell them in a very calm yet straight manner that I’m not satisfied and that if the problem does not get resolved I assert myself by saying “It’s a known fact that if you do a good job clients may tell a few people but if you don’t they will tell everyone.” I then add “If you don’t fix this problem I will make sure I tell everyone how dissatified I am.” I then put it back on to them by asking “is this the type of publicity you wish to create?” I make sure they know I am serious!

    Its direct, sincere and effective without being aggressive. It has never let me down.

    Good luck

    I too would like to know what DA is. Anyone out there with a helpful answer?


    My first post in a while.(been over a year)

    I am only just experiencing my 1st subdivision, (in comparison its only a residential block and not in the scale you refer to) and I’m not sure if its helpful advise but have you thought of combining with an experienced developer? You don’t stand to make as much profit as you would doing it your self but what you stand to gain in experience will set you up to be able to do it all yourself in the future.

    If it were me and it was my 1st big project I’d definitely consider approaching someone who has the money and experience to back the project, making sure I had legals inplace to ensure I was still rewarded financially etc. I’d also negotiate that they have me in the forefront of all the processes so I could learn 1st hand what goes on.
    I’d choose this road as I have no idea about the hidden expenses and processes involved in building roads and supplying water & electricity etc so having a experienced backer could save me from loosing the lot.

    Anyway it’s just a suggestion. Good luck with your project. I’d love to hear how it turns out as I would like to go in that direction myself one day.


    well i don’t know the area except that it is a mining town. however afer some research i can tell you that it has a population of just over 5000 and about 38% of the population rents with 30% purchasing and only 23% fully owned.

    you might also want to look here

    do some research and see what you come up with. sorry i can’t help you more.


    Thanks BBM

    I prob should have explained better in my post but yes I was asking about CGT after the sale of the property.

    Thanks for all your answers



    Big thanks Westan….on both counts

    Aussierogue…i’m not sure of what you are saying about Westan and Chandra but it doesn’t sound nice!

    where has all the love gone? lol (well the mentors anyway)

    haven’t a single reply yet? am i asking too much [:I

    well i’ll keep posting anyway



    One more for you! My name is Rai and I live in Adelaide. I have an almost 12 year old and I have been brought her up own my own mostly.

    I work full time – and purchased my own property in Sept 02. This was a mile stone for me as the market was very high but I did it and have already made a significant gain of at least 40% in 9 months. Timing I suppose!
    I am currently trying to use the equity in my home to purchase my 1st PI, will be teaming up with a couple in a JV. Had our 1st meeting with a broker last night.
    Between us we have more than enough equity to get started so all looks ok. Our goal is to become financially independant and set up some super annuation.

    I came across this forum by accident and it has been a great resouce of information.

    Had a cat called elvis for 8 years but he passed on recently hence my nick name. [:)

    Cheers and thanks for listening


    My question is:

    Are any improvements tax deductable. Lets say you spent $10,000 over a year increasing the value of the property and you sold it at $50K profit then would your taxable income be reduced to $40K?

    Thanking you
    Ms Elvis


    What does HK stand for?

    still green!

    Thanks for your reply, I guess it is just a matter of keeping your finger on the pulse. I found it interesting when they mentioned looking out for major retail chains opening new outlets such as McDonalds franchises. What about finding out about these sort of developments. Any specific way of finding that out or is it just a matter of keeping an eye on the papers?



    I knew it was something like that….just couldn’t work out what the 1st P was for



    I would be interested in the properties you mentioned. Email me at if you are genuine

    Ms Elvis


    Hi bjajcr

    i’m thinking that now is the time to invest elsewhere, the returns are not good enough for me in elizabeth area. i’m happy to sell 2 more single duplex properties in Magor st and Guther st if anyone wants them for about 88k, put them on the market yesterday. no i did nothing to them except carpet when i bought them in 1997 for 25k each half a duplex. tenants could be a problem so get a very good manager i can advise who not to use. also landlord insurance is essential.

    Thanks to all who replied. JV sounds pretty much what I had in mind. As a newbie to property investing I’m finding theres so much to learn. I would like to find out more about trusts just to learn about the tax benifits and whether or not it is the right thing for me. I suppose the best thing would be to talk to an accountant. On that note can anyone recommend a good accountant who deals with PIs.

    If anyone can recommend some good books that relate to this topic please let me know

    Thanking you
    Ms Elvis

    Congrats from me too Steve

    I’d be interested in getting a copy for sure!

    Ms Elvis

    Hi Again

    If anyone has done joint property ventures i’d like to hear some advice on what were some of the do’s and don’ts. Obviously setting up as a company may not be the best idea but i’m concerned it will be messy as far as the accounting side. What other options are there? Any advice is appreciated.

    Hi again,

    I’d definitely would much rather go for a PI loan but i feel it could leave me out of pocket. Not a good idea while my income/outgoings is low. I just wondered if IO loans were considered foolish. I can’t see another option tho for my situation.

    Thanks for your input

    Ms Elvis

    Thanks aussierogue (that was a quick response [:D

    Are you (or anyone )familiar with purchasing IPs using interest only loans? Seems I will pay more interest but at least I will be able to service the loan especially in times of extended vacancies or the added extras like rates, taxes etc. I have little extra cash on my moderate/low income. Is there a better way to do this or would an IO loan be best?

    Ms Elvis

    Hi everyone,
    Reading MiniMogul has given me food for thought…what confuses me is the statement “will then ‘only’ be 22.8 percent.” To me only 22.8 percent sounds like heaps so what I am asking is am I doing this wrong. I’m about to try and purchase my 1st investment property at around $100K.(it the most i could get from the bank based on my income and equity) The repayments with a loan at the current rates would be either:
    interest only……… $115.40 wk or
    principle/interest…. $148.60 wk

    The most I could get in rent for this area is $160 but realistically I’d get $150. At this rate i’d be getting at best 7.8%. If 22.8 percent is classed as ‘only” am I going down the wrong path?
    Have I got this all wrong or is my investment scenario a bad idea? I’d like to hear what you think


    Ms Elvis

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