MrWinfield replied to the topic what type of commercial building would you buy in the forum Commercial Property 11 years ago
Well put James, short and affective communication and straight to the point. It’s in the numbers!! Gee that “guy” got a great bargain, well done.
MrWinfield replied to the topic Robert Kiyosaki cash flow 101 -aka rich dad poor dad(western suburbs melbourne ) in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago
Hi Daniel, so did anything eventuate? Perhaps we can choose footscray, yarraville area?
MrWinfield replied to the topic 30 properties before 25, finance??? in the forum Finance 11 years ago
Hi Richard, it’s 2014 and I hope its not to late to ask for a copy of the article. I will send u my email address via private message. Thank you very much.
MrWinfield replied to the topic My latest development – 4 dwellings in Melbourne in the forum Value Adding 11 years ago
Hey Oscar, have been following this post since day 1, great to see 40% profit margin, well done.
MrWinfield replied to the topic My latest development – 4 dwellings in Melbourne in the forum Value Adding 12 years ago
Looking Fantastic Oscar, lets hope the weather stays in the 20s + for awhile hey. Great to see you share such valuable information and insights into your development, much appreciated.
MrWinfield replied to the topic My latest development – 4 dwellings in Melbourne in the forum Value Adding 12 years ago
Hi Oscar,
if you don't mind me asking, how much of your own money will you need to put in for such a development? Will your firm be interested in JV for similar like developments?
Good luck with it, i will be following your progress.
MrWinfield replied to the topic AllianceCorp in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Hi Daniel – im in the market to find my next property. seeing that i am time deprived atm, i will be using alliancecorp to help me find my next deal. thxs
MrWinfield replied to the topic AllianceCorp in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Hi Daniel, thanks for the feedback. Re the gladstone purchase, I'm very surprised to hear the val came in very short – when u say alliancecorp chipped in 8k, i gather they didn't charge u the finders fee? would that be correct?
Why do you think Jason did this? is he not making any money from this deal?
Thanks buddy for the feedback
MrWinfield replied to the topic Property in Family trust sold to pay off PPOR in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
Purpose is to pay of home loan, increase cash flow as i won't have a mortgage to pay and receive tax benefits from IP which will be under my own name and not family trust. The other party is another family trust entity. The only disadvantage i see is that i will be forced to pay two lots of stamp duty – 1 now to have the property sold from Trust…[Read more]
MrWinfield replied to the topic Property in Family trust sold to pay off PPOR in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
Correct – So am i wrong to pay CGT, Stamp duty, break loan fees etc just to have the property in my name and no home loan mortgage? Obliviously, if i then go on to sell it again, later in life then i am having to pay these fees all over again.
MrWinfield replied to the topic Property in Family trust sold to pay off PPOR in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
Family trust owns 50% of an IP with another entity, pretty sure my trust is not a "unit trust", best i re check the doco. Cheers Terry.
MrWinfield replied to the topic My renovation challange in the forum ah… is anyone home? where 13 years ago
ah… is anyone home? where did everyone go?…….surely this thread isn't finished!
MrWinfield replied to the topic The value of selling with a DA/Town Planning permit? in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago
Mattnz,Firstly, congratulations on purchasing, ( to what sounds like to me) a fabulous opportunity with huge return potential. Well done and good luck mate.The difference you paid for your 809sqm of land compared the other the person, ( great bargain and this is where you get the huge upside ) is miles apart from one another. How did u manage to…[Read more]
MrWinfield replied to the topic Whats the best thing to do with 250,000 right now in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago
Hi JPcashflow,Got to love the "cashflow" – I like your strategy, sounds like a winner to me – good luck.
MrWinfield replied to the topic Metropole Property Strategist vs Custodian Wealth Builders in the forum Creative Investing 13 years ago
Hi Scha9799,thanks for the reply. Did you eventually get MPS to find you a property? – I totally agree with you in doing your own research but this shouldn't stop anyone reviewing the properties they put forward, i.e val's, comparable sales, rent apparsals for like properties in the area etc etc.
MrWinfield replied to the topic Metropole Property Strategist vs Custodian Wealth Builders in the forum Creative Investing 13 years ago
Hi New2invest,Was wondering whether you made a decision with either company? I too have attended MPS seminars and a one on one with their key strategiest last week. I suppose the $1,100 up front cost to become a member covers their time to develop a strategy for you and then they charge 2.5% on the purchase price. Your thoughts appreciated.cheers