MrsC replied to the topic Refinance paperwork in the forum Finance 13 years ago
Thanks for your replies. I haven't received first statement from ANZ yet but i just called and spoke to their settlements team for the balance of legal fees and govt fees etc. I refinanced 4 loans with them so there was a few costs to check. Its all good now!
MrsC replied to the topic Mortgagee Sale – offer price in the forum General Property 13 years ago
No its not listed as 'expressions of interest' just straight asking price. But the agent has said they are taking written expressions/offers stating purch price, full names, finance approval terms, settlement terms etc to present to bank. I just thought it might b since its not a full contract write up. Anyways I hope to get some answers from the…[Read more]
MrsC replied to the topic Mortgagee Sale – offer price in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Wisepearl, i think he will be presenting offers on the same day. Im in WA and its called 'expressions of interest' where we put it in writing but its not writing up an actual formal contract. Ive never done it before.Thanks for sharing your experience Andrew. That would be right with the banks! I have been given the 8 page special conditions that…[Read more]
MrsC replied to the topic Mortgagee Sale – offer price in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Jamie, the agent has just said that he will wait for both our offers (and and others that come up) before submitting to the bank. Not sure how many they ask for as minimum or max?
MrsC replied to the topic Mortgagee Sale – offer price in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Thanks for the advice. I will go with asking price only. I know that the the neighbour (other side of the duplex) viewed the property and the agent has said that they are organising finance to put in an offer. He said they are taking expressions of interest to present to bank. I just know there will be a lot of interest and offers after the 1st…[Read more]
MrsC replied to the topic 1960’s house reno – building/plumbing inspection in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago
Just had a thought, what about the mandatory RCD's before sale. Could that give me some assurance that the electricals were in sound condition?
MrsC replied to the topic 1960’s house reno – building/plumbing inspection in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago
Thanks wisepearl!
MrsC replied to the topic 1960’s house reno – building/plumbing inspection in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago
Kate do u know roughly what it would cost to rewire whole house if your partner charged for it – just to get an idea for old house.
MrsC replied to the topic 1960’s house reno – building/plumbing inspection in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago
Thanks for the advice Kent! I haven't put an offer in yet. I have a clause that says if there are major maintenance issues or substandard improvements i can terminate the contract, deposit repaid etc. Hmm should i add in about an electrical report/plumbing?Resicert looks great! the structural plus building inspection service is exactly what im…[Read more]
MrsC replied to the topic What annoys you about property management? in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Scott you guessed it! yes in a regional town.
MrsC replied to the topic What annoys you about property management? in the forum General Property 13 years ago
Derek wrote:
Off the top of my head PMs who1. Forget they are employed by the landlord and not the tenant.2. Are not proactive in rasing rents & attending to maintenance requirements.3. Are not in regular touch with landlords. (LLs should also be proactive on this too)4. Allowing tenants to go periodic5. Being reluctant to get quotes for w…[Read more]MrsC replied to the topic 1960’s house reno – building/plumbing inspection in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago
Thanks Kate, any chance they are in Perth? Ive used building inspections before on purchases but they didnt go into plumbing, wiring stumps detail.
MrsC replied to the topic Renovating in outer suburbs in the forum Thanks. Its all coming down 14 years ago
Thanks. Its all coming down to my budget, i can basically afford either a villa/unit in the inner suburb or a house in the outer area. Ive read and heard different views on unit vs house but seems that a renovation on a house (done well) gives more scope for upwards value than a unit. Catalyst were your reno's units or houses?
MrsC replied to the topic Cross coll purchase of whole strata (4 units) in the forum Thanks Terry, well i would 14 years ago
Thanks Terry, well i would like to know where agent got his info now.
MrsC replied to the topic Cross coll purchase of whole strata (4 units) in the forum thanks, definately something 14 years ago
thanks, definately something to factor in. The sales agent has made a point of advertising the sale as coming with benefit of saving $$ on SD. But i definately dont want to believe that yet! need to investigate.
MrsC replied to the topic Cross coll purchase of whole strata (4 units) in the forum Finance 14 years ago
terry is that even with the separate contracts for sale of each title? Im in WA by the way.
MrsC replied to the topic Cross coll purchase of whole strata (4 units) in the forum Finance 14 years ago
Ok thanks Richard. They are separate titles, seller just has condition of selling off all at once/together.
MrsC replied to the topic trust or individual name in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
Thanks Richard, Terry.Double CGT? do you mean you dont get 50% discount when in trust? (sorry my lack of research is showing here) Also lack of income protection? I thought that was the reason for buying ppty in a trust in the first place…
MrsC replied to the topic trust or individual name in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years ago
Thanks Terry, this is the reason im considering trusts now as we look to purchase our 5th ppty however my husband is a high income earner and we prefer to keep negative gearing benefits, how do we get the best of both? Ive heard that Hybrid trust may provide this although the tax office is not keen on these and banks aren't either?? With credit…[Read more]
MrsC replied to the topic Partner for Perth investing wanted – apply within in the forum Hi Corey,
Do you have a 14 years agoHi Corey,Do you have a suburb/area in mind where you would like to purchase? In some perth suburbs you might actually be able to do a reno/subd deal with the $400k funds, on your own.
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