Mrleumy replied to the topic Cashflow games – Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle in the forum Creative Investing 15 years ago
Here is a review of the game: think the benefit of the game is that it triggers philosophies of investing… Kinda simplifies everything
Mrleumy replied to the topic First home buyer finance structure in the forum Finance 16 years ago
Tommy gun. I think maybe yes, although I am not a position to offer a deposit of that size, so I did not investigate this.
Mrleumy replied to the topic First home buyer finance structure in the forum Finance 16 years ago
Hi Richard, the bank was Bendigo.
Mrleumy replied to the topic Australia’s CHEAPEST three bedroom houses!!! in the forum General Property 16 years ago
Haha I liked the description of the Queenstown house: "Here with have a special little piece of crap" thanks for the laugh!
Mrleumy replied to the topic FHOG – Live in the property for 6 months, then rent out? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Thanks propertunity, I am aware that you can only claim FHOB if the property is bought in personal names… My idea is that once you have lived in it for 6 months and claim the FHOB, that you then transfer the property into a discretionry trust which would be set up 6 months after you lived in the property, thus meeting all the criteria for…[Read more]
Mrleumy replied to the topic FHOG – Live in the property for 6 months, then rent out? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Hey Andy, I think was thinking of doing the same thing…. My idea differs slighty in that I want to use a trust structure: So the process looks like this: 1. Purchase property2. Live in it for 6 months and claim FHOB3. Use money left over from FHOB to set up a trust and place property into it. 4. Property portfolio beginsThis way I can access the…[Read more]
Mrleumy replied to the topic To trust or not to trust? in the forum Finance 16 years ago
Can I suggest taking a look at other threads on here in relation to your questions. In fact, I think there is another thread which has a similar title. There is loads of information on here and I think you questions may already be answered.
Mrleumy replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago
Well I'm not sure many posters have done this:Sold my car (for the sake of investing) and now share one with my partner and guess what?? this arrangement actually works. Initally I never thought it would, but it's fine and we save hundreds a year. Unfortunatly we went for her car whihc is a corrolla but at least its fuel effiecent. If you can…[Read more]
Mrleumy replied to the topic Property/ Investment “seminars” are for mugs in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago
Dear Spruikers, Want to know how to win people over in a property investing forum?? No secrets here. Just follow the URL below and discover the amazing opportunity that awaits you. http://www.goandspruiktosomeonewhocares.comGo on, no obligation, give it a try today! you'll be much better for it!
Mrleumy replied to the topic Where’s the property investing products? in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 16 years ago
Mrleumy replied to the topic Property/ Investment “seminars” are for mugs in the forum Opinionated! 16 years ago
You guys have far too much time on your hands, mildly amusing for the rest of us however!