I will be moving to melbourne with my partner, and she will be a pharmacist end of this year, I will have to make sure she got the job, becuse for me, i probably will start my own business in melbourne. I dont want both of us no income at the beginning. my idea business probably will be a franchise food business or may be start my own fish and…[Read more]
I would think the landlord wont allow you to sublease especially student.
you wont know how terrible student is….. is not easy to find a good student and taking good care of the property and ended up you need lots of money to repair it.
Cargill wrote:
You say you would prefer the south or southeast of Melbourne. Can you say why? Virtually all of the resources of the city are north+west of the Yarra River – commerce, entertainment, transport, hospitals, education, shopping, arts, etc – very few of these are out south or southeast. There isn't really a…[Read more]
the most curcial figure is umemployment rate, if the rates is keep going up, it surely not good for property and possibly property price will continue to fall….Just think logically, if umemployment rate rise, ppl cant afford to pay mortgage, and will fire sale the house and move to cheaper surburb.and tanent will start moving into cheaper…[Read more]
so do you think Reservior good? compare to west heidelberg…I am still finding the property about 300-350k range and preferably house or unit (not apartment) as i think it will hole the value even market crash or recession. and i aslo believe with those range of price, it is achievalbe to get double in 7 -10 years. (as you see lots of houses now…[Read more]
Hi Yarpos…..how many property do you have??? u seem to know a lot of stuffs : ) I am still searching to buy though….but problem is i am not in melbourne… : ( and gonna buy it unsight property. my budget would be approx 350k but at least getting 350 a week…otherwise just paying too much nagative gear… and you told me to find the p…[Read more]
imugli wrote:
Grew up there actually… It's predominantly an old commission area. The area north of southern rd, between the creek and waterdale road was the olympic village for the 56 games. Unfortunately now, it's a loooooong way from it's former glory… If I were you I'd be sticking to the area bound by bell street, southern rd / murray rd,…[Read more]
yarpos wrote:
I dont think I would buy in Frankston again (unless we stumble on a great deal) as we already have a place there and as I said I think it will quiet down again now. I am happy to hold the place we have there. If you use the search in these forums you will find plenty of debate on the Melbourne east vs west topic, not all rati…[Read more]
i wont think to save tax as still need to pay tax anyway……no matter how.. you cant escape TAX MAN. thats why i am looking for reasonably nagative gear..or may be even..that woudl be an idea investment…too much nagative gear…will make you pain….
so…i would reckon is not a good time to buy property this year though……example in Perth.only 1-3% increment from last year. Iet say 100% loan from bank based on interest rate 9% minus net rental return let say 4%. it actually making lost!!!!!! and more headache…!! esp now u can put on term deposit for 8.7% for one year. and is much better…[Read more]
i need to get my full contract..it seem to be missing some part..need to get it from agent…i think i can put up my rent at least 6 month but no less than 3 months….the contract term is based on market valuei will have checked with my solicitor…..
elkam wrote:
Hello TerranceAm I right in assuming that you're not using a PM.? You might think about getting yourself one as a good one is worth the money I think.I have an industrial property the next suburb up from you, Mulgrave, and would be happy to recommend my agent who is just terrific. Very efficient.If you're interested I can private m…[Read more]
the terms of the rent review is 6 months from expiry date and fix another 3 years…so i still have time to put up the price before expiry date.from previous owner, they dosnet increase rent based on CPI…only based on fix 3 + 3 years. and rental is negotiable. what is the normal ROI for commercial property? is commercial property in melbourne…[Read more]
Thank you for your advise may be i am start learning how to invest in share market first… learn from expert as i believe the share market is about a good time to invest as the market is pretty low now : ) try to learn as many as I can Terrancehttp://www.squidoo.com/money_no_enough