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  • mrhedge replied to the topic 11 ss also applicable to Commercial Property? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hello Prop16 I would imagine the rule does not apply as comm rates are about 2% higher than standard rates. You would have nothing left over for repairs,improvments,vacancies,int rate in creases,ect bye andy

  • mrhedge replied to the topic vendor finance cops a floggin! in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hello Alison, Have just read the 3 above articles and just love the comment by [Dunleay, Brisbane lawer & property activist] The best advise i can give to anyone desperate to own there own home & thinking about wrap around mortgage is to stay renting// What ground braking news,I must send this bloke a cheque.


  • mrhedge replied to the topic “Which bank?” in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Like Trueblue and Chandara, I also use CBA,If u have loans over 250k you quaulify for there wealth package wich gives you a 1/2 % Discount of there standard variable rate + no establishment fees for future loans + a 20k credit card.My branch can only approve up to 850k then they have to put it to head office Regards Andy.

  • mrhedge replied to the topic Captial gains tax in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hello Petrus I bought a property on a corner duplex block in ST James about 15 years ago for $37,500. I think you could add a zero to it for todays value,wish i still had it/ think hard about keeping yours. Regards Andy.

  • Hello All ; Every time ive gon to borrow money the bank has insisted on a valuation being done by a valuer on there approved list .Is this not the case with all lenders? Regards Andy

  • mrhedge replied to the topic Where are the 11 Second properties? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Peter, You are right. Broomes growth was 18% over the the last 12 months but you will need 250 k to get in at the bottom end of the market. Best regards from a tropical paradice. Andy

  • mrhedge replied to the topic What’s wrong with this property? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hello Sjs, There are a lot more pos c/f propertys out there than there are buyers,you have successfully tuned in your brain to seek these out .Do your due dilligence-beleive in yourself and go hard .Happy easter. .Andy

  • mrhedge replied to the topic I want to be a money partner for Wrapper in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    What do you mean a computor programer? I thought you were a farmer that had lots of roos on your property. Any way happy easter Roofarmer. Andy

  • mrhedge replied to the topic Mr hedge please tell me your retirement plan in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Dear Tails Your right, I was at work- Sory i didnt realise it was a crime.Retire’ no i havent retired yet & actualy have no desire to retire because i have just witnessed what can happen to an idle mind .You Tails seem to be the only treating it as a race.,Every one else here treat it as a people helping people forum.Yes i only have 1/3 of what…[Read more]

  • mrhedge replied to the topic I have one question! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Well Tails, Seems i was wrong about the payout from telecom. I have been doing some calcs on what you have told us and they work out like this .You started your company in 1977 it is now 2003, that is 26 years. You are 42years old .26 from42 is 16. So leaving telstra at 16 you would not have got a craker, unless u started at age 6. So what is…[Read more]

  • mrhedge replied to the topic Future yields in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Peter, Why did the negative prop go up in value & the others not? or am i missing something. Andy

  • mrhedge replied to the topic I have one question! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hey Tails Wasnt 1977 the era when Telecom were handing out massive redundancies to get rid of there dead wood? I put it to you that any fool can make money when given a lump sum roughly 3 times there annual wage. Now it is your turn to come clean Andy.

  • mrhedge replied to the topic Book Title Contest… Win ‘The Lot’ in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    What about a realy original one. Poor Bloke ,Rich Bloke// . The story of , ect ect Andy .

  • mrhedge replied to the topic What do tenants contribute? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Susie Every situation is different,i had two new houses built last year and landscaping cost $8000 ea .The last thing i want is for the gardens to die,i also dont want the tennants to waste any water that i will be paying for so in our agreement we go 50/50.The agent forgot to charge the tennant last time but that is another matter.…[Read more]

  • mrhedge replied to the topic DOES ANYONE WANT THESE DEALS? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Forget the dodgy caravans, if you can get $100 for a bit of dirt only big enough to swing a feral cat,multiply it by 20 or 30 permanent residents & now your starting to look good . Perhaps we should put our collective money in a tin and look for a caravan park . Trying to think big. ANDY

  • mrhedge replied to the topic 11 second solution – tax implications in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Ally To my way of thinking if you are earning money from it, it is positively geared & if you are paying into it, it is negativly geared .I dont think you can have an each way bet.But im an electrician with 0 quauls in this area maybe someone else knows for sure. Regards Andy.

  • mrhedge replied to the topic CBD apartment longterm outlooks/neggearing?? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi DooDahDave Perth tends to lag behind other citys,so if you check whats happening over there now it might give you an indication of where this type of prop might be in a years time. My thoughts on this type…[Read more]

  • mrhedge replied to the topic Vultures in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hello AD
    Ccngradulations on being a 3 red star moderator.
    Not sure what it is but congrads anyway
    regards Andy

  • mrhedge replied to the topic steve i have one question in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Perhaps he is trying to help [hard working Australians]i presume this is something you are not familiar with ,this realy deserves a lengthy reply but who can be botherd.Its after midnight on your side of the country so why dont you loosen the grip and go to sleep

    Positivly yours Andy

  • mrhedge replied to the topic Useful Links in the forum Heads Up! 22 years ago

    Hello there Defence Housing Aust sell houses &lease them back for 6 or 9 years,they also repaint &recarpet ,look hard &you might find a + tv geard one

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