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  • mrdave replied to the topic Convinced her, now have to convince father. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 2 months ago


    Firsty, Please try and ignore the hurtfull comments in the previous posts. Its obvious the poster was in a similar situation to your Girlfriends Dad – and someone like you came along who was young and enthusiastic and made him feel like an idiot.

    Don’t take it personally, chin up bro!

    My 2 cents – on the original topic

    I would have…[Read more]

  • mrdave replied to the topic Help in taking decision. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 2 months ago

    Thats a good question.
    Personally, I wouldn’t be worried about the boat leaving for 6 months. Interest rates are going up, spending is down, at least for the next quarter, therefore its possible things could come down futher.

    Any other economic enthusiasts have theories?


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