Mr Morgan replied to the topic I want to share you someone’s story, MUST READ in the forum General Property 19 years, 12 months ago
A large fast food company (no not macca’s) pays their 15-16 year old trainees $4.93 an hour over a six month training period.
Mr Morgan replied to the topic I want to share you someone’s story, MUST READ in the forum General Property 19 years, 12 months ago
Im not in this forum, just having a read and i must say it has to be one of the most entertaining reads I have had for a long time.
Cheers Josh
Mr Morgan replied to the topic Area’s to invest in. in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
My family and friends are in real estate and have told me to look at your local area. write down as many positives and negatives about it, how many new houses you see, new land opportunities, how many knock down rebuilds etc. Is your area starting to grow, grown, over the hill…? Check out your local council. what developments are on the cards…[Read more]