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  • mpjs54 replied to the topic $150,000 to invest in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Firstly spot on re tax, its always a mistake to drive your investment i from a tax viewpoint it is only one of the issues to be considered.Yes negative gearing is called that for a reason that is you create a loss.  The taxman helps you reduce that loss by effectively letting you claim it against other income but you are taking the risk that the c…[Read more]

  • mpjs54 replied to the topic Buying property with your super in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    A super fund has very strict rules on what it can buy from its members (that's you in this case).  If you breach these rules you can be fined up to 50% of the total capital value of your super fund so be careful.The simple aswer is no you cannot sell 50% of the property you own to your super fund.  On the whole trustees are prohibited from ac…[Read more]

  • mpjs54 replied to the topic $150,000 to invest in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Suggest you be careful and first take a step back and ask yourself where do you want to be in the medium term.  If you can define this well then that will help you determine better which of the actions you could take will be better for you.  You can always mount an arguament for a range of strategies, the key is to understand there importance to w…[Read more]
