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  • Morvyn replied to the topic Best Interest earning account to save for deposit? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hey, ING Direct are good for holding cash temporarily – however putting your money into shares or a top performing managed fund can make more money.

    The way to do it without losing big time is….to make SURE you have an exit point with your purchase. For instance, Say you buy @ 50 cents a share – input an EXIT with the buy – say at $0.48 cents…[Read more]

  • Morvyn replied to the topic Wakelin Property Advisory in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    Tell you what – The wakelins are playing a different game – One for capital growth speculation only

    Having said that – I used them to get my PPOR (because I wanted a high growth property if I was going to lose $$ on it) and they rule. Very solid, smart and competent.

    But not for positive geared property. The books great – Lays out the framework…[Read more]

  • Morvyn replied to the topic Where to buy an IP in NZ for under $35K?? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    OK so what records is Mini on anyways??? Hope you don’t mind but I had to ask!!!

  • Morvyn replied to the topic 11 sec rule is OLD lowball rule in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago

    But these deals are there – I have found them in NZ – currently in small towns – One of the more successful business people I know (He does a mixture of business start ups for sale and ongoing cashflow business) has aquired 3 killer cashflow properties in wellington over the past 6 years – All of which were bought with the 11 second rule – one of…[Read more]

  • Morvyn replied to the topic Financial Advice in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years ago

    Hi louise,

    If there is one book i can thoroughly recomend for you it is ‘money secrets of the rich’ by John burley – Sure it’s an embarrasing title but there is a financial plan base that he puts forward that I believe is the strongest, most logical and easy to follow that I have read – his book is light on the conceptual/get rich quick side and…[Read more]

  • Morvyn replied to the topic IP’s in Wellington, NZ in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    wellington is huge – suburbs are becoming harder and harder right now to positive gear.

    Wainui has stuff – but there is a particularly adept PI from the John burley school who has it very wired.

    Porirua – is still ripe – running out fast though.

    Petone is over pretty much.

    I offered on a positive geared flat in karori the other day but got…[Read more]
