more freedom replied to the topic Hello all. Im New and Willinging – long post. in the forum General Property 18 years, 4 months ago
You bought rich dad poor dad? That is a great book.
I think you might considering first get your personal finance sorted before you start investing.
more freedom replied to the topic to sell or not to sell in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago
Hi Pirijat,
I think Dianne has said it well.
If you can find a better deal then you can sell your current property and end this negative cash flow deal. You might end up some profits from this transaction.
If you have a better than they why not go ahead and cut your loss now?
The key point here might be just trying to find a better deal…[Read more]
more freedom replied to the topic Wife wants to quit job to invest full time in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 4 months ago
I think it really depends on your situation.
1. Does your wife have the money, time, and knowledge to invest in real estate full time?
Can you find that many opportunities to keep your wife busy for several hours a day?
2. It seems your wife wants to put all her eggs in one basket, which is the real estate market. That is good, but what happens…[Read more]