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  • Monty1 replied to the topic Double story townhouse – overlooking single storey houses/views in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Charles 1 – thanks for your input and I can very well appreciate that council would be concerned with overlooking neighbouring properties but I just wonder how everyone else in suburbia manages to either build a second story or build a townhouse etc when they have neighbours to deal with? I mean, a large portion of houses in my area are double…[Read more]

  • Monty1 replied to the topic Subdivision Costs in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 10 months ago

    Thank you everyone for your valuable input – I appreciate you all taking the time to give me your advice or share your experience/knowledge.
    We are putting these subdivision plans on the back burner until we have dealt with some major drainage issues we are having and is taking all of our ‘head space’. Will be back to visit this ‘idea’ at some…[Read more]


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