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  • monty replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I am in the process of developing a CF+ deal. It is going to take 18 months, but it is worth the effort. I purchased a subdividable corner block in a country town in SA ( strong local economy and high employment ). The subdivision has just been approved and in the mean time I have ordered a three bedroom transportable home from Allsteel Adelaide.…[Read more]

  • monty replied to the topic Total Newbie Question/Advice in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Hi A few basic thoughts
    1. minimise Personal debt ASAP. Pay of the car loan and credit cards as a priority. If you can’t do this, think about how you will repay your loan on the property.
    2. Property doubles in value every 7-10 years. The cycle has already started so you could expect 5-7 years for significant capital gain. If you can cope with…[Read more]

  • monty replied to the topic Regional areas in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I invest in a small country town and have done pretty well over the last 3-4 years. A few things that I do
    – have someone in the town you know – for me it is my mother
    – look at emplyment rates. there are country towns that are booming ( yes mining as well) and there are towns that are going backwards big time.
    – check occupancy rates. if…[Read more]

  • monty replied to the topic Transportable House & Subdivision in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago

    Lisa I am in the process of doing the same in SA. A couple of thoughts
    – time taken to do a subdivision is fairly long ( close on a year for me)
    – be careful with service costs ( sewerage, power,water )
    – extra costs after siging a contract eg changes to plan
    – it is helpful to find an area with relatively cheap land ( corner blocks in some…[Read more]

  • monty replied to the topic Property development in Tailem Bend Sth Australia in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    Interesting! I am just starting the same project in Bordertown. Bought land, subdividing and putting up 2 transportables. My aim is to sell, with rental as a 2nd option.

    Why wouldn’t you sell and take the profit, giving yourself opportunities to continue investing?

    all the best!

  • monty replied to the topic To buy or not to buy property in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    G’day Dave

    I have recently joined property investing and read your note about finding property. I have been looking for a couple of years in the wrong places! I too couldn’t find a suitable positively geared property. I have recently purchased in a country town (SA)near family, which has a high demand for rental properites for under $60 000. Rent…[Read more]
