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- Originally posted by devilcv8:
What if the town only had 4000 people but had been around for over 100 years?
I didn’t realise you could buy investment properties in cemetries!!![blink]
Congrats; must be a bugger trying to evict tenants if they don’t pay on time!!![eh]
I’m afraid I don’t agree that the investor market is very strong; I am not saying it is non-existence by any stretch, but certainly length of time on the market and clearance rates paint a different picture.
See the article re investors and returns.Look at properties in blue chips areas, their yields are very low in comparison, but their overall market value is huge….ask yourself why???
Hey Aussie,
I guess there are no right or wrong answers, it really just depends on one’s level of risk tolerance (or aversion) and determination.
I am a firm believer in “nothing for nothing” and without some element of risk, education (knowledge base….I am not necessarily referring to a uni degree) and level of motivation, you will get nowhere very fast, but as long as you’re happy to be there…at the end of the day, who cares, right???
No your job is not your greatest asset, but it does help to buy them!!!
Do your best, and above all, be happy!!! [biggrin]
So Scotty, what you have effectively done then (and I am not saying that it was a bad strategy, quite the contrary) is you have TARGETTED your market, by eliminating “home buyers” and making it appealing to “investors” only.
In a market where investors are aplenty that may work well, but in one such as this where genuine buyers of any description are not so readily found, you may have bigger issues.
All in all, I hope you get your sale, and well done!
Site or sight unseen??? I got hammered for that differentiation once.[blush2]
I believe there is a magazine called MY MORTGAGE but as I have never read it myself I cannot give a personal opinion on same, but it is supposedly very good value and is similar to Money and API.
Hint #2: look at year the 0-130 book was written and the price of properties at that time.
As Myydral said, use the SEARCH function (left hand side of screen) put in the keywords “11 second” AND in the area asking SEARCH IN select the option SUBJECT ONLY and you will get numerous pages of posts on the topic.
Hey Steph,
BTW = by the way [biggrin]
You two are awesome!!![thumbsupanim]
Excellent point, and soooooooo true!!! Yes while I am busy enjoying the festivities RE opportunities / bargains are slipping by…..
Heck, I may regret not plying my potential victim (vendor) with just one more Vodka spritzer while I shove the pen in his hand before he sobers up and realises I have just bought his house for next to nicks!!! [blush2]
Oh well, at least I can sleep easy knowing that the poor bugger won’t end up with a right RE hangover come New Years Day huh??? [eh]
Merry Christmas peoples!!! [winking]
I think you misunderstand some posters here. Sure there are the “knockers” of the strategies used, but I don’t think it is personal criticism of them (the MAPPERS) as people.
As I said before, I don’t question what they have done; THEY DID IT and GOOD ON THEM TOO; they deserve the praise/accolades. What many people are questioning I think, is the “tin tacs”, “nutts and bolts”, GROSS vs NET figures, that’s all.
Incidentally, it’s worth remembering, skepticism helps to develop and broaden the mind; it is personal attacks that narrows it.
In answering your question as to “why people join” well that’s like asking “how long is a piece of string.” For different reasons I guess, and although not intentionally looking to be negative, sometimes things turn out that way…it’s a fact of life.
If you don’t want to read the negative comments (and btw that is a fair call too) skip by them, and read what makes you feel good about investing and what works for you.
Hope that helps a little….
It’s the same pub Sue!!![biggrin] The Metung Hotel is in Gippsland, Victoria.[whistle]
Nevertheless, sad ending to a great old historic pub!!! [glum2]
I meant no disrespect to you or your strategy; and as far as buying and holding, I tend to agree with you to an extent. I buy when the market is down and sell when it is up, as you seem to be trying to do now; and that’s fair enough.
I was just saying “chill out” don’t bother yourself too much, it’s Christmas, kick your heels up and forget the market right now. Besides there probably won’t be too much of a change in one month. Yes I understand you noticed one such property fall significantly in a short space of time, this is probably because it has been on the market for an extended period hence the vendor has had his/her hand forced in order to secure a sale; not uncommon in today’s market.
Many people will argue that now is not the time to buy, because property is losing flavour, growth is limited blah blah blah; all of which has merit, but generally speaking NOW is when genuine buyers have negotiation power in their court, which is why the above scenario probably came into play (along with some “correction” of market prices too no doubt).
Merry Christmas to you and yours, and a prosperous New Year.
That is subjective Ausprop; I guess it depends on how much Dom needs/wants to retire on.
Originally posted by Tough Deal:Clearly you two are related.
As are you and a few others here no doubt, TD!!![biggrin]
My apologies John,
I overlooked the title of your thread, and went straight into answering your first post.
Yes there are positive cashflow properties out there, but they are not as common as in previous years. They are difficult to find, but not impossible.
I guess the bottom line is perserverance. Many cashflow positive IPs will be further out from major town centres. Hence, my suggestion is broaden your search field to extend further out, and you may have more luck.
All the best,
Well maybe if you made it a bit clearer, what it is you want to know, we could help.
To find a property:
Look in local papers
Look on internet sites (eg.
Look in real estate agency windows
Talk to real estate agents
Talk to people in area of interestFor starters…..
Exactly the same as they were the last time you asked this question!!![blush2]
Dom, you are such a worry wart!!!….Relax, enjoy the holidays, keep doing what you’re doing (watching the market) and when the time is right for you BUY, then HOLD and eventually you can RETIRE.
Too easy!!!
Hi Pressic,
It can be very financially advantageous to do this, HOWEVER bear in mind, that should you decide to sell your PPOR at any point, you had better make sure it is within 6 years of using it as a rental as after this period you lose your CGT exemption.
BTW Pressic, where would your home office be for you to make a claim??? The reason I ask this, is because any revenue generating that is conducted out of one’s PPOR makes it liable for CGT application. Therefore, you could disregard the above paragraph, as your PPOR would not be CGT exempt fully, but rather apportioned accordingly due to running a business from your home office.
If your husband’s wage is going to pay for the bills/rent/food, where do you propose getting the money to do the reno, not to mention buying the property in the first place???
There are lots of people who go out on a limb, some succeed, but many get burnt (badly).
I suggest you take MA’s advice and seek proper financial guidance, and do some serious research before you make ANY firm decisions which may affect you or your family.
Just because you want to act, doesn’t necessarily mean that it is the right thing (or time) to do so. All I’m saying is, please be careful.
Originally posted by janholm:My question is. What is the exact formular for the NEW 11 SECOUND SOLUTION.
I can’t say for sure, but from my understanding, there isn’t an actual FORMULA that you can use as a calculation as per the old rule.