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  • Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
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    Understood byronent,

    But that hardly classifies the investor as a dog, maybe misguided and suffering from poor judgement, but that doesn’t make him/her a dog; just foolish (maybe even stupid)!!![blush2]



    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
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    Originally posted by Lucifer_au:

    It usually isn’t the investment which is a dog, rather it is the investor.
    This is a joke right??? Lucifer, you are such a cracker!!![lmao]

    To me almost no investment is ‘bad’ it is the investors who are the ones that make an investment ‘bad’.
    Oh [eh]…my mistake, you were serious!!![blink]

    Does that mean there are mongrels as well as pedigrees out there buying property??? Goodness gracious!!![blush2]

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
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    Hi and welcome,

    If you click on SEARCH function (left hand side of screen) and type in INTEREST ONLY and then select SUBJECT ONLY you will get at least 3 pages of old threads with this very same title, and the very old worn out debate between IO vs P&I.


    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
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    There are several figures/facts that need to be provided to work it out, such as, using your father as lowest income earner (assuming I guess that the title of land is in joint names?), the costs associated with the land ownership during the time they had it (eg. rates), selling costs (agent commission, advertising etc) and of course the cost when they bought same (stamp duty etc).

    All of this needs to be factored in, and then if you use the calculator (as per the link I provided) it will give you a rough estimate of what the CGT will be.



    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,612

    Hi Wayne,

    There are several CGT calculators available, but one that I found to be fairly basic and easy to understand (as some are real [wacko]doosies):

    It’s mainly used to find the best method to use (that is, the cheapest or least amount to pay).



    P.S. Do bear in mind, this calculator is only a GUIDE and proper accounting/taxation advice is recommended.

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
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    Relax Marsden, I have nothing against small country towns, far from it, I used to have friends in Rugby (NSW) where (at the time, can’t say today) the population was all of 50. And I never said infrastructure is not good in the country (you did)!!! What I said, and am still saying is that there needs to be adequate infrastructure (regardless of whether the population is 100 or 10,000) in order to support its community, without it, sure the town may well thrive for a while, but eventually it will go belly up.

    As for BB’s; you are dealing with the minority!!! A colleague of mine currently completing his doctorate has been researching, having just completed a 5 year study of the BB’s tracking their movements (trends) reports that the numbers of BB’s moving to “small” (<1500 people) towns (rural or coastal) is minimal!!! And it is not because of “lack of” infrastructure (although yes, I did have a dig about that, my apologies) it was because of long term feelings of isolation from family and friends!!!

    So please, can we call a truce now…you know city to country??? [winking]



    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
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    Depends on whether you class me as a Baby Boomer!!! [biggrin]

    Guess it depends on which cut off date is correct 1961 or 1964.[blink]

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
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    Baby Boomers more than likely won’t want to retire to “one horse” towns Marsden, they are a fussy breed, they like their creature comforts and won’t tolerate driving many kms to get to their nearest police station, hospital, medical centre etc., but would rather have all the amenities as close by as possible.

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
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    [biggrin] Welcome back Simon [biggrin]

    Have a Happy New Year & may 2005 be good to you!!!

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
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    Well FWIW Dave buddy….this little gem you can keep all to yourself….I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole!!!! [wacko]

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
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    Originally posted by inez:

    Why doesn’t anyone ever mention the names of these towns? Bizarre.

    Bizarre??? Nahhhhhh….they’re just plain embarrassed!!![blush2]

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
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    Here’s a link which I added to my favourites thanks to one SS forumite, and which may be of interest to some of you here:

    Happy shopping!!! [biggrin]

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
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    Hi Rob,

    I think it is nice of you to stick up for the Wrappers, as there are some very reputable ones especially among the forumites here, Pelican being one of many that I have communicated with and whom could not imagine anything “shady” ever going down. Hence it is sad to see some good people trashed by ill-informed media hungry characters.

    Nonetheless, I think the Steve McKnight vs Neil Jenman qualification heavy weight title really should be best left in the closet, as IMO it really bears no merit in this playing field.

    Aside from all this, I think it would be wise to just keep an open mind.

    BTW I am not into wrapping, but like so many have said, it has its place and I’m sure there are “good” and “bad” wrappers, as no doubt there are wrappees, and without doubt….misguided media reporters!!!



    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
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    Woo hoo!!!!

    We’re now up to:

    2 pubs
    1 restaurant
    1 cafe
    A caravan park
    1 Medical centre

    And their industry is wheat harvesting!!!


    “Do not try to use city rules for country properties”

    Since when has common sense been the luxury of city slickers, and if so, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to take a leaf out of that book!!! [whistle]

    Gimme a break here!!! [rolleyesanim]

    Furthermore, how can infrastructure be deceptive??? You either got it, or you ain’t!!! And a hospital 70km from your doorstep (for example) is hardly going to benefit some poor local in need emergency surgery now is it???

    So in your opinion, the more pubs the better…is that how you gauge a good investment??? Crikey, what do you do with the pub runs out of beer, move town???


    Do your homework; research the place thoroughly, but for heaven’s sake, don’t dismiss the facts (or lack of) which you have presented to us here, as anything remotely resembling worthwhile investing!!! But hey, it’s your money Jack; knock yourself out!!! [wacko]



    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
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    Hey!!! Don’t get saucy with me boy!!![grin]

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
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    Unlike my question, my last comment was not directed at you [winking] it was more for others who may have misunderstood my intention for asking.

    Anyway, thanks for explaining the differences, and yes I can see where there would be issues by such “old school” mindset.[whistle]



    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
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    Nearly forgot Dave, here’s a couple of links that might be of interest. As I said, in another thread, albeit somewhat dated (1998, 2001 respectively) they are worth keeping in mind, and in your case having a read through the definition of what constitutes a “small town.”[email protected]/0/2619aaebcadda426ca2569ad000402ca?OpenDocument



    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
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    Here are a few links (albeit slightly dated 1998, 2001 respectively) they are worth taking into consideration (at least until the new ABS stats are released).[email protected]/0/2619aaebcadda426ca2569ad000402ca?OpenDocument

    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
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    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:

    Someone can lose their home at any level of borrowing. Usually, it is those with lower levels of borrowing that face problems.

    I totally agree with the first sentence Rob,

    But if I may ask, in your next sentence you said those in lower levels face problems, could you please explain this to me (sorry, I am totally ignorant of such matters, but would like to know for future reference). Surely if someone owes <50% they are at less risk of losing the lot, than say someone with a 95% debt, or am I missing the point???

    BTW I ask this in all sincerity; not trying to be sarcastic or any such thing.



    Profile photo of MonopolyMonopoly
    Join Date: 2004
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    Yeah, ask the real estate agent for that particular town, city!!!

    Happy New Year to you too!!![biggrin]

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