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  • mojorising replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Does not sound that bad. If 13 years, 10 months ago

    Does not sound that bad. If the finance hurdle had stopped you from closing it would be a major pain in the ass but sounds like you have the option of getting finance once the work is done and you are not looking at purchasing a second short term so apart from the initial surprise and frustration suonds like not such a bad situation.

  • mojorising replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years, 10 months ago

    Just checked in on this site to see if this thread was still going.Hope things work out with the waterfront BB and great that it came back on the market at just the right time. Let us know how it goes.Cheers

  • mojorising replied to the topic Landlord Insurance Self Managed IP in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 11 months ago

    $270pretty much same rate as TS

  • mojorising replied to the topic IP 2 Advice in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 11 months ago

    if the LOC is secured against PPOR doesn't that mean it is not an investment loan and would not be tax deductible?

  • mojorising replied to the topic Landlord Insurance Self Managed IP in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for ideas. I went with EBM.

  • mojorising replied to the topic Warnings about Investing in the US in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    If there is no physical inspection of the property and the place burns down with a tenant in it due to poor wiring, can you imagine the lawsuit you would have!Probably sucks for the tenant too :)Good OP runway.- I am also torn between the idea of trying to do this remotely and getting over there. Ideally would like to go and stay over there for a…[Read more]

  • Some say you can have the LLC with any rental income coming into a private bank account (though how that works I don't get. How can a company own a property with the rental income going to a private account?). The LLC is the legal owning entity but you call the managing agent and tell them to find a tenant. They say 'where does the rent money go?'…[Read more]

  • mojorising replied to the topic My USA Property in the forum >>I can transfere the 14 years ago

    >>I can transfere the properties at anytime into the LLC nameWouldn't this involve paying stamp duty twice or whatever the US equivalent property ownership transfer tax is called?

  • mojorising replied to the topic Is it best to buy in an LLC or in own name? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    I thought you would be able to transfer funds to the vendor bank direclty from your personal US account for the purposes of settling a purchase even if you nominate for the property to go into an LLC. But just guessing.

  • mojorising replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Sounds like a good idea 14 years ago

    Sounds like a good idea Aussie.If the investing gets enough traction then maybe they will rename a new Miami suburb Little Australia!

  • mojorising replied to the topic My Orlando FL. property experience in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Great OP Miniman. These stories of peoples experiences of travelling to the US and eyeballing the difference between what you see on the net and what you see for real are so helpful.Good to hear you actually got a purchase through.

  • mojorising replied to the topic Is it best to buy in an LLC or in own name? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 1 month ago

    property manager would have to withhold 30% of your rental income and forward it to the IRSJust heard back from an email conversation with a Miami based property manager and they have not heard of this maybe if you stick with PMs who haven't heard of the rule then you will be OK!

  • mojorising replied to the topic Is it best to buy in an LLC or in own name? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 1 month ago

    >>I would be absolutely crazy if I purchased in my own personal name even if I had Landlord Insurance on a property as I would be minimising my risk of litigationBy wrapping a property in an LLC I guess that you limit litigation liability for a claim against that property (by a tenant or other party) to the value of the property itself as opposed…[Read more]

  • mojorising replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Hi Kev,
    Please send me a
    14 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Kev,Please send me a copy also. I spoke to HSBC call centre on Friday and they promised I would have a PDF by close of business. Nothing so faremail addy sent by pmthanks

  • mojorising replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks Steve,makes sense – that is pretty much identical to the Australian process

  • mojorising replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks Steve,Most of my liquid assets are in shares. I can turn them into cash in 1 day and an EFT to my US bank account in 1 day. The local EFT to the vendor would be an additional day.If I am paying cash for my 1st property seems like that would be fast enough.Do you know how fast you need to come up with the cash if an offer is accepted?I…[Read more]

  • mojorising replied to the topic What US bank account did you open? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks, spoke to HSBC. They said $200 fee to open an account from overseas. They said just open the basic savers account. No minimum deposit. No monthly fee.It has internet access and the ability to do electronic bill payments and Electronic Fund Transfers to and from both locally and internationally.Seems like all you would need.

  • mojorising replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Steve,Someone like you who will be on the ground and living there and managing their own proerties can obviously make the best purchase decisions and make the most cashflow. But for an investor planning to buy form overseas and rent out without being there do you think going for properties within a condo development which has an onsite…[Read more]

  • mojorising replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for the informative insight into your foray in to the US property market BB.Hope you take the setbacks and frustrations in your stride.Work it off on the surf-board! Don't know if Miami is a surf beach but the waters warming up nicely in Sydney.

  • mojorising replied to the topic MIAMI (ad)VICE in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for the tax info BB.The house sounds great. Good luck.

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