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  • zmagen replied to the topic Singapore – (A Very) Brief Overview in the forum Been reading about Brunei a 12 years, 6 months ago

    Been reading about Brunei a bit since you posted – sounds like they're fat in more ways than one – one of Asia's richest per head, as it turns out :) – you could have struck a goldmine there :))Regardless of property, once you're settled in, and if you need some health products contacts, let me know – we represent/ed a date-pits health drink…[Read more]

  • zmagen replied to the topic What to do with $300K? (Part 2 – Fukuoka, pref. Japan) in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years, 8 months ago

    C2 wrote:
    Would be interested to see any links to any 9-12 blocks for 300K in Fukuoka city.

    As mentioned, haven't seen the need to delve deeper personally, due to lower returns and no interest in redevelopement – will happily forward the agent's details to you, if you wish, you sound like you've got Japanese speaking feet on the ground there,…[Read more]


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