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  • MMK replied to the topic Hey Steve, what’s going on? in the forum Opinionated! 21 years, 2 months ago

    Bear & AD

    I would suspect (don’t know for sure but) that you are both not far from being quite similar (just this feeling I get). But anyway I asked for a discount once and received my first lesson, the one you mentioned above bear, the reply I got was along the lines of … sure we can do a discounted price for a group people just remember a…[Read more]

  • MMK replied to the topic Rugby World Cup in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years, 2 months ago

    As a famous cartoon character once said – ” you are a sad sorry little man aren’t you”
    England and the All Blacks are the favourites – just the way we Aussies like it………….[:D][:D]

    Tim Henman was supposed to win Wimbeldon this year, The English were supposed to be competitive on the ashes tour, The English were supposed to do well in the…[Read more]


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