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  • Thanks to everyone.

    I must say, I am truly astounded no one has anwered my simple qu of whether or not I can talk about a house I have for sale on this website!  ????????

    My biggest mistake list is way too big for here!!   

    But a fairly consistant one is not trusting my judgement and not INSISTING that when I DO know best to INSIST that those working with/for me must abide. This includes:
    * Not insisting rents paid on time/ homes are cleaned up/ etc
    * That tradies do WHAT I WANT, not what they want
    * That strategies are implemented that I WANT, not what others (usually for their own hidden agenda) want

    I have found that most of these problems have been (although sometimes too late for first time) resolved by sheer hard work, persistance and above all EDUCATING oneself!! 

    As a direct result of making way too many "mistakes", I have gone out and read, and read and read, and asked qu's, and gone to courses, asked more qu's, demanded answers, dabbled, made mistakes, continued learning…………………………..and I expect this cycle will never end.

    Life is after all, a big lesson.

    Thanks Pete. Any other suggestion too?

    Okay……so what if its a business zone, but it will be used for residential (units) development?

    Then, if that's how banks view it, how come for a res 1 zone unit site I have been told I may get a commercial loan??

    Then, how does insurers ascertain if one is working on a residential or commercial site? As I gather this will affect insurance alot??  And there may be other "interested parties" for a development that need a clear definition of is it a commercial or residential project!

    Easier said than done to "find someone you trust and deal with them". I would rather propose:

    Always be aware of what you are putting your money into. Investigate, ask qu's (that's why this forum is so fantastic), go to seminars, read books, ask…ask…ask….

    One can NEVER be sure if who they are dealing with is REALLY trustworthy. It's the truth, so pls dont give me the "that may be your story" replies. Just think about it…….how man of you that hesitate on this one, have been burnt by those you THOUGHT you could trust? I bet if you were honest, most or all would raise their hands.

    Sounds like your friend didnt do his/her homework and just jumped in. So unfortunately its a classic case of "buyer beware".

    Been there, burnt over and over, now finally learning! Good luck.

    Thanks for comments everyone. Can anyone suggest which lenders may offer a reg'd builder an loan under these conditions (Ie as an "owner builder"? )

    Would also like to know if any builders can recommend any lenders that offer lo or no doc commercial loans for units/specs/commercial ?? Thanks.

    Great tips guys. Cheers.

    It's a double edged sword! Damned if you say it's for your PPOR and expect to be given the "shpeel"  you really dont need/want to hear, and you may be treated like an inexperienced baboon, or go for the "power" approach as in investor and expect the price will be raised and with less chance to negotiate than if you were claiming it as PPOR.
    But, you will only be able to say its for PPOR per purchase, per agent! So once you've bought one, you cant use that excuse again for awhile.
    Another approach, which I have used on a few occasions, especially if I dont like the agent or their "pushy approach" to try and gleen info out of me, is to just say "I'd rather not say". It urks them, but I secretely like watching those types squirm. It put you in the position of power, and they will then not bother you. This approach will also allow you to keep your MORALS in tact, as you wont have to lie (by saying its for PPOR when it isnt).
    You can also say things like:  (nicely or harse depending on situation) "If you dont mind, I'd like to just look around on my own". Then they wont follow you and hound you.Plus it will allow you to CONCENTRATE on what you are looking at.
    Dont EVER feel you dont have the right to say what you feel if they bother you. Some people DO need to be told to pull their heads in! I just recently cut short a meeting b/c the rep was very rude and blunt, wasnt listening to me, was late, didnt have the info I had requested he bring and then denied I had requested it………… then I had had it, so I cut into his conversation and said "Listen, I can tell already I wont get along with you, and I only want to deal with those I like. So this is enough" and walked off. Left him dead silent and hopefully he wont be so rude again. But remember to thank the nice ones too.
    And dont ever go there in their car unless you like them, or think you can gleen info YOU want from THEM. It's really a pathetic game, but life is a game. Play it to win.

    Hmmmm…………. I do hear what you're saying…………I just think there must be another way builders are financing their own projects without it being classified as an "owner build", as the regs for OB is only ONE dwelling every three years! It just doesnt add up. I will pose this qu to the builders on "general" forum and see if any respond. But, thanks anyway! :)

    Also………. then if banks view a builder building on their own land to sell for profit, but banks consider it owner building, then what does the ATO consider it as?? 

    I just dont get it, sorry. 

    How can builders buy land developments, in their own company's name,  and build multi dwellings then,
    if banks will only consider it an owner build???
    As an owner builder you can only build one dwelling per 3 years, and only then if it's "intention" is to use it as PPOR!
    So there must be  ways that builders get around this, 
    to get funding and can build more than 1 property in their business name every 3 years!

    Can someone pls give me a (few?) scenarios of how builders get around this then???

    And yes, there is a track record, detailed analysis,biz plan,financials etc Scott, although I dont see how that will make an iota of difference if banks will only lend as an owner build.

    thanks. problems sorted.

    Laughed so much I nearly cried!…..

    Okay, okay, yes I think I am eligible, as a non-tradie renovator, although I hope to leave this club one day and be qual'd…just so I can charge more for doing the same darstedly deeds!

    Here's a few that I refuse to lay claim to, on the grounds I may incriminate myself….

    1) Poking spak into the wood rot holes on old weatherboards and painting over rather than replace whole board…

    2) Continued to make that accidental hole in the wall big enough to fit a small cupboard door into it , so that "YEs! Of course that was my idea…looks great doesnt it?!……."

    3) Black texta painting on the white paint on the black dog…… that the owner didnt notice……

    But my favourite is what can be hidden and stuck together with glue,sticky and blue tak………

    Thanks everyone. It's funny, I've asked 3 "whizzes" today, and all 3 had a different opinion…….

    Hi Terry, I am in Vic and know I can build every 3, but I am wondering if there is any reason I wouldnt be allowed to SELL immediatley after building, and NOT having moved in myself. Thanks.

    Great reply beaniemonster! I am with you, and appreciate the constructive reply. I hadnt considered council.  If they are inconsiderate enough to ride in a suburban yard regulary, and for hours at a time, knowing dam well their bike is illegal and that they are the ONLY ones around making noise,  (all neighbours are elderly by the way) , then they deserve the same "consideration" they are giving others (none).
    It appears Voig has the same inconsideration. Obviously b/c  he is a bike rider himself and thinks its his right to disturb others, given the fact he commented on doing it delibrately.

    Oh, the joys of neighbours…… I had a crazy old lady next door as a kid that put razor blades in her trees and broken glass along fence line to keep passing kids out of her yard…… maybe here's a good opening for "neighbours from hell" stories!

    Police have been notified about 5 times. Never came out once.  It's logical that would be the 1st thing I would try!

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