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  • missmolly72 replied to the topic rental property investment – basic questions in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Thanks Sonyasal.  Yeah I know about the rent assistance which is a positive and thanks for your help.  I love my house and it has so much potential but there is also so much to do to it.  I tthink I will have to cut my losses and sell I was going to to try and rent it out for 6-12ths but unless I move in with my parents which is not an option at…[Read more]

  • missmolly72 replied to the topic rental property investment – basic questions in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Hi Hoping someone can help me.  I am a single mum who has been paying off my home for the last 10yrs my kids and I dont get to go on holidays and I am stuggling week to week now.  I usually rent out a room which helps a little.   But I am not getting anywhere.  I am actually putting my house on the market tomorrow but have been told that I should…[Read more]
