MissLily replied to the topic Melbourne Accountant wanted….. in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
Hi, I’ve had great rapport with my accountant, give him a call,
Jon Moller
Lane Moller Partners Pty Ltd
03 9723 7100Good Luck in your search…
MissLily replied to the topic HELP – bank has lost the title deed! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Unless you need the title immediately I wouldn’t worry a great deal, the Bank has to wear the costs in replacing it for you. A simple title search will still show that you are the proprietors of the property and also the Bank’s mortgage no. persue your request to discharge mortgage it shouldn’t take too much longer than if they had the…[Read more]
MissLily replied to the topic Melbourne seminar homework in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
Hi All,
I sent the homework to the email address exactly as it is on the Action Plan Worksheet we got from the seminar, homework@PropertyInvesting.com, I think you will need to use a capital P & I and you should have success.
Cheers, Lil…
MissLily replied to the topic positive gear property in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi Stephen,
There isn’t a Melbourne suburb that you could purchase at $100K the cheapest is Laverton at around 130K upwards – BUT BE WARNED! – there is also around 200+ properties for offer on rent.
Think wider than Melbourne and even though I’ve been just a few hours late on making a successful offer It will happen…
Good Luck, Regards and Best Wishes
MissLily replied to the topic who is/is not buying at the moment in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Hi Richmond,
I’ve been doing a lot of research and as I’ve said earlier, it seems I just miss out each time.
Unfortunately, it seems that the few places that the figures look good there is also 200 rentals on offer in the general area, although not strictly regional properties.
I’m still researching (never ending) and still trying my luck to…[Read more]
MissLily replied to the topic How many you got? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi Slum Lord,
I’m a newbie and this opportunity could not have come at a better time. I have one negative geared property (for obvious tax reasons) but has had significant capital gain in the past 2 years. Will seek to gain some finance from that. I’ve just read the goal setting piece in Steve’s book and will hopefully be up and running once…[Read more]