Miss Ally replied to the topic subdividing rural block western australia in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago
Hi Darren.Been researching this myself for the fast 3 months.FIRSTLY……..and foremost, You need to check with the shire if it is subdividable.!!!!!!!!!!!!!If you have scheme water, minimum 6k for watercorp "Head Works" (another water connection)Minimum 5k for a Town Planner (Surveyor) to subdivide the block for you.If you buy the other 2 out,…[Read more]
Miss Ally replied to the topic Urgent Help Needed in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 5 months ago
30k for deep sewarge??? I paid for my mums' 2 tears ago and it only cost 4k. that included 45m of line laid, septic decomisioned. Her house is about 50 yrs old. Where is your IP
Miss Ally replied to the topic cost to restore the roof in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 5 months ago
With any asbestos item (roofing/fencing) the major cost is in the disposal of the asbestos…….or so companies say. I'm in Perth and I have the same type of roof. I received quotes ranging from 7k – 11k to remove and replace with colour bond.
Miss Ally replied to the topic SUB DIVIDE in the forum Value Adding 15 years, 5 months ago
HiI am eager to read from any one from Perth who have subdivided their block to give me a rough estimate of cost.( from 1 lot to 2)For Demolition i have quotes ranging from 12k – 20k (Huge Diff). Awaiting quotes from Town planners i have already contacted, but am fearful of being ripped off……Cheers