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  • Minxii replied to the topic Still Available??? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Thanks Jo,

    Sorry I should have been more specific… I was thinking of houses in larger regional towns. Places like Donald and Watchem which are out in the middle of nowhere and (so I have been told) decreasing in population don’t seem to me to be a good investment. Also I believe there was talk and a lot of hoo ha going on about considering the…[Read more]

  • Minxii replied to the topic Rude in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    CGU eh? I just signed up with them [eh]

    Chan, who would you recommend for the usual house & contents insurance??

  • Minxii replied to the topic Financing an overseas property in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Thanks everyone [smiling]

    The reason why I am asking is that we’ve bought a house in Victoria but being that my husband is Canadian, he was wondering how difficult it would be to purchase a rental property near his family.

    I will definately have to look into our options later on down the track (ie. IP’s in Aust, NZ or Canada) but this has given…[Read more]

  • Minxii replied to the topic Q for westan in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Did you get an answer fjficm?
    I’d be interested in hearing the response [:)

  • Minxii replied to the topic How do you do this?… in the forum General Property 21 years ago


    Try this site for some great tips and definitions:

    Also read a few investment books and pay particular attention to the process Steve went through in his book – its very good advice! [^]


  • Minxii replied to the topic Melton Victoria in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I just bought my first home in Melton South for $180k, 3 bedroom, split level with ducted heating. I was persuaded by all my workmates, most of whom live there. Its got a great V-line train service, Victoria University, shopping malls and pretty much everything you’d need. Its got a good country feel to it too (for the moment at least) [:)


  • Minxii replied to the topic Building my Team in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Thanks Terryw for the link [:D

  • Minxii replied to the topic Building my Team in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Thanks Michael,

    You are a godsend [;)

    Thanks so much!
    J [:)

  • Minxii replied to the topic +Geared Properties – Vic? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi Richardo,

    Just wondering if your meeting is open to all and any who are interested or invite only? I’d love to sit in and see what everyone has to say and what opportunities are out there for partnerships [:)



    Dear Westan,
    Thanks for your reply. It is a bit dissapointing to receive confirmation of lack of +Geared…[Read more]

  • Minxii replied to the topic Wanting a new perspective in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Thanks Cornel,

    I don’t suppose you know of any spotters in Vic?? [;)


    Hi Minxii [:D

    I bought my first place in September with the goal…

    [Read more]

  • Minxii replied to the topic Investment Properties in NT in the forum General Property 21 years ago


    I too would be interested in an information sheet! Would you please send to

    Thanks so much


    I am buying a niche unit in Mitchell St, right in the main drag. Positively geared, 8% net, lessee assumes all operating costs including vacancy, insurance, rates, and body c. NAB guarantee for the first 5 yearts.…

    [Read more]

  • Minxii replied to the topic Getting started in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hi Richardo,

    I too am new to this and am looking for potential investment partners (my family and friends think I am mad to invest in the country). I’m also in Melbourne and if you are still interested I would like to discuss what you are looking for in a partner?

    Minxi [:)
