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  • Profile photo of MillyMilly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 288

    yes there's no doubt  that prices have gone up in hte past few months. I'm guessing that  inner city is too expensive so people  are looking further afield.  Anyways, Im

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Post Count: 288

    When crashy says 'redcliffe'  he means as close to the water as possible. Not kippa-ring, not rothwell,. Id be looking at  redcliffe , scarborough, maybe margate but walking distance to water.  REdcliffe worries me a tad. THey keep building highrise and I don't believe it has hte infrastructure to support it.  I grew up there and am often over there.My dad complains of lack of water pressure and he isnt in an old house with old copper pipes.  Yes there is a new bridge to be built, currently there is a breakdown on the Houghton bridge at least once a week holding up traffic.  As for rail, they have been saying that for over a hundred years now and I simply dont believe it will happen.  I am willing to make a wager if anyone cares to wait 40 yrs.

    I really prefer  sandgate, shorncliffe (again if walking distance to water). Unspoilt by highrise,its a nice place to bring up kids, It's closer to city and  the freeway to north and sth coasts,has  railway and has proven past high cap growth.

    Otherwise see if  you can pick up a cheapie  close to the CBD.  Kedron,  chermside, .  If I were  you I'd be checking out  API mag  when they  do a residex report on suburb  growth. 

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Post Count: 288

    I dont know anything about the hotspotting report but i'll be checking it out.

    Ive used residex reports, postcode reports that detail streets Ive found useful. I also bought one of those top 100 'burbs. As they are based on past performance they cannot take the place of your own research. If you know a place that is getting a trainline,  bunnings and woolies , you can bet it is about to boom. Anyways I claim what i purchase on my tax.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Post Count: 288

    Yeah i agree with above comments. wots the rule ' land appreciates, buildings depreciate'.
    Too many overheads with units, usually a better return on houses.  And gees I hate body corps telling me what I can and cant do.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Post Count: 288

    well I'd cetainly be looking at  Chermside, especially walking distance to the Prince Charles Hosp. Chermside has the biggest  shopping centre in Bris and inside 10k's to the cbd.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 288  is a great site for those of us who want to manage our own properties. It has documents for all the states I believe. There is a fee but it's worth it compared to some of the useless property managers I've come across.

    Just make sure you have landlords insurance.
    I manage the houses that are nearby.  Thus I get to do those little things like fixing a flyscreen or  changing washers that an agent would get a tradey or handyman in for.  I dont mind doing this cos it lets me keep an eye on the house and how well the tennants are looking after it.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Post Count: 288

    And then believe it or not, there are some ghouls out there that love the sound of gruesome murders and such and the chance meeting with ghosts who would love to rent your house.

    If you're superstitious you could always get a priest to excercise the demons.

    I say if it's a bargain go for it.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Post Count: 288

    The first buy is soooo exciting. and filled with nervousness.  I wouldnt be concerned about  a one bedder. There are more and more ppl living alone.  (I'm quite looking forward to it  meself).  jump in and have a go. You will learn from the first one.
    Just keep putting in offers. Outrageous offers.  Someone, somewhere is desperate to sell. 

    Looking at your avatar I woulda thought you would be looking somewhere further afield…….venus perhaps.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 288

    I quite like the new format, looking at all the new  posts at once BUT where is the SEARCH option. I used that quite a lot. and it gets boring seeing people post the same question  every month.  The Search option should limit that.  Please bring back the search option or show me where it's hidden.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 288

    If you go to the centrelink site you'll find just what you will be paid in retirment.  Depending On whether you're single or partnered and depending on  income and assets your  centrelink payments will vary.  Certainly  $350/wk income will affect youre pension but not altogether. Your assets might be a prob tho if you own an investment property outright. I'm not sure the asset cutoff but I believe a single person is only allowed assets up to 200k .

    I was glad the day I quit centrelink and took control of my own life and future

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Post Count: 288

    actually what Terry is referring to describes what  I am doing at the moment.  I have say a half doz houses, not necessarily positively geared (some are, some not) .  Basically,  I live off the capital growth. If I have properties worth 2m, despite mortgages of 1.5m, but if the capital growth is 10%/yr, that gives me $200,000 to cream off the top to live on and,, pick up the shortfall on mortgages.

    Of course it is a gamble because you're certainly not going to get 10% growth each year so you have to be able to sleep at night. But I  do improvements to the  properties to increase their value.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    I'm in a similar situation, call me gutless but I thinking about telling my tennants that  my nephew is going to the area to study at the uni so 'unfortunetly'  they will have to vacate the house.

    good luck.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Post Count: 288

    I totally agree with xenia.  a friend loaned me the teh video and basically it is is about the power of positive thinking. But the zealots on the video seem to ttake it to extreme 'believe you will be rich and you will be'. er in my thinking you do have to do something about it.

    As Xenia says they hollywood hype of the thing will put most aussies off in the first 10 secs. And WHO are all these people they interview with their so called credentials. Don't waste your time. It's nothing new.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    It's run by a sheep for chrissakes. I see his picuture everywhere and want to throw darts.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    No not  inflation, supply and demand.  A cheeky friend of mine put up the rent  $30.  Now he would've been negotiable if the tennant  approached him but he also knew that  had the tennant moved out  he would've got his increase. anyways.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Post Count: 288

    I realise Ipswich is earmarked for  great things. It's a gorgeous city  but lets face it the weather is crap. I dunno how ppl function outside of aircon.  Yes it's a  growing city but that is because it has hte land to support the new developments and state govt is releasing land and encouraging  development. I'm not convinced the price of houses will go up that much, it will be a place where new housing  estates can be built at affordable prices.
    just my 2 cents worth

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Post Count: 288

    Blondie  you made me over your commentsabout  payments of electricity and gas by the landfolk  (I say landfolk cos it sounds wierd  calling myself landlord and landlady reminds me of Mrs Roper if anyone is old enough to recall Man about the House)

    The water situation is certainly going to become interesting when it comes to who pays. As it is incluced in my rates notice I have always paid. But there are rumours (in Qld) that water may triple in price. I'm not sure I'm wanting to foot the bill for tennants using water willy nilly just cos they dont have to pay for it.

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 288

    hey Michelle I love your second option but gees wouldnt Today Tonite have a field day describing the big bad wolf er landlord.

    I used to have tennants who were often a week or more late with their rent. What they don’t seem to realise is that if the money is not in the account, I get a $30 fine from the bank because I wasn’t able to make the mortgage repayment..

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 288

    If he was silly enough to build a fence 4 years ago and not ask for your share of the money then Id tell him to go take a flying leap.

    Also he is selling the house. Is it unconditional yet? Soon he wont even own the fence he wants money for.

    ok so I dont know the legalities of the situation but I’d be telling him to whistle dixie and if it came to a court case, settle an hour before

    Profile photo of MillyMilly
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 288

    You know what really peeves me Amanda about putting in the smoke detectors? Everytime I go in for an inspection after tennants have left, ,the smoke detectors have had the crap smashed out of them by a broom handle and they all have to be replaced. I understand that few tennants have ladders. And I also understand that that intermitant beep when the battery needs replacing is damned annoying.

    I guess the thing to do would be to once yearly go and replace all the batteries myself. (sigh)

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