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  • Profile photo of MillyMilly
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    Yes Contrarian I have given thought to this. Unfortunetly  Centrelink doesnt look too kindly at people renting when they have a perfectly good place to live.

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    I guess someone could shut the gate at the tweed/ coolangatta border.  But hey  some of my houses are northside so Im smiling.

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    Gees I think people can spend a lot of money on seminars. The more speakers they hear (with alternative viewpoints) the more paralysed potential investors seem to become.  20k to have someone hold your hand in property investment  is extortion. 20k is a deposit!
    I find it interesting that many people say the highlight was meeting like minded women who help each other. Now this I can relate to. BUt there are free groups around that do that. Talk to people, go to the library and read some books and study this forum and you won't need to spend the money on seminars.
     I was lucky enough to score a free ticket to Dymphna's last Bris seminar.  While she certainly knows her stuff and is a good presenter, the only thing I learned that was new was in resposed to a question I posed myself.  I asked her if there was anyway I could sell my house to a trust and rent it back, thus claiming the interest. She  told me yes and went on to explain.  I came home to consult with my broker (who just happens to be a frequent contributor to this forum) and he was dead set against the idea as it could have the ATO on my doorstep.

    I happenned to win MCKnight's masterclass pack and while I think he is equally entertaining and informative he doesn't subscribe to the same investing strategies as I do so I give it a miss. 

    Any speaker can give you advise but you really should be doing your own homework. Studying a particular market, your own area is probably the best place to start.; and then start making outrageously low offers. Eventually  someone will bite.

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    …….and seven years later they get divorced

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    oh and ttman, is it just me or do others keep seeing an 'i' between those 't's?

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    Too many people here are hung up on IQ's. " tradies are just as smart as professionals neer neer neer".
    I realise that there is this academic snobbery happening in this country that encourages us to push our kids to uni. Bottom line is if you are the academic kind it is expected you will go to uni, if not, you will look at alternatives such as trades.

    I am encouraging my four boys to take up a trade. They are all average intelligence and I doubt any of them will want to spend four years churning out essays even if they achieved a high OP score. IQ has nothing to do with to do with general knowledge, sense of humour, positive outlooks,common sense, social skills,ambition or anything else that would encourage a happy and fulfilling life. I am reminded of a school mate, extremely average academically, but went on to start a major pizza chain here in qld. Now he didn't have a degree OR a trade.

    I haven't told my boys to shut the door on uni, just to wait to be sure of what they want to do. Continuing education and career change have become much more prevalent. AND Ive discovered that a diploma in any trade is the equivalent to a tertiary entrance score of between 6 and 10 in the queensland OP system. I've never seen a condescending attitude by professionals toward tradespeople (and yes I went to uni)Some students might adopt a superior attitude but it doesnt last as they grow more comfortable in their own skin and gain more life skills.

    How many uni students does it take to change a light bulb?
    Only one but it takes nine years to do it.

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    hehe. I thought the same mackar

    Tis a good idea tho. Certainly cheaper and more convenient than renting a motel for a week with the family.  I don't know much about  portable loos tho and am not sure I want to. I haven't got over Kenny saying  you can't wear rubber gloves to fish for the dropped ring.

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    Nikko7 states: Create a relation ship with your tradesmen, they are people, pay them on time show them respect and they will look after you.( maybe a beer or 2 wouldn't hurt either ) And they can become a very important member of your investing team

    But I shouldn't HAVE to create a relationship with these guys.  I shouldn't have to buy them a ruddy beer. Why do they have to have the attitude that they are doing you a magnificent favour and you should be humbly grateful.  They provide a service, I pay. It should be cut and dry. I should be able to phone 5 electricians and the price should be the same.  And as for bumping the price up cos I'm a cranky cow…….that is totally unprofessional.

    In saying all that above…….I DO bend over backwards to tradies. I DO make them cups of tea and biscuits. I chat to them, build a rapport, ensuring they like me.  thing is tho that I SHOULDN'T have to to ensure a fair pay for a fair job.

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    Is it going to be on the new highway  they are building Toowoomba to Brisbane?

    Why don't you play it safe and stick to Ipswich

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    it might be worth subscribing to I manage some of my properties and this site provides the documents relevent to your state regarding tennancy and communications with tennants.

    I'm a bit of a soft touch so I'm a sucker for a hardluck story. This has cost me money at times. So be professional and don't get too chummy. Just send out the document immediately if their rent is in arrears so they know you mean business.


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    yes i want that accountant too

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    Gees some ppl need to lighten up. The fact is that there ARE disreputable tradespeople as in other industries. I'm all for a site that recommends good work for reasonable rates. Speaking of quality, my son and I saw a doctor today (not our usual cos he was booked out) and he saw us both in 5mins.  A quick look at the infection in my son's ear, and a quick listen to my back , scripts thrust in my hand and we were out the door. He bulk billed so no complaints from me but I wouldn't go to him for anything serious.

    I'm certainly glad that my houses are close enough to do those little odd jobs myself.  I don't mind changing the washers if it means i can check out the property at any time.  Certainly the cost of having a qualified tradey  has encouraged me to reconsider what jobs I might be able to tackle. And I've done it all. Ive replaced toilets and replaced a single bowl kitchen sink with a double. Ive tiled and gyprocked and done far too much painting.  Just recently I replaced the fluoro fitting in my kitchen .  yeah yeah i know it's illegal to do my own electrics but gees  let's all sing..".the green bones connected to the………green hole!….the black bone's connected to the…….black hole!….the red ..ect."

    I can certainly see why a tradey would want to payment for travel time to just change a washer.  I don't think anyone here is complaining about reputable tradespeople. 

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    I don't think any honest person would even consider spending it.  11 million is going to be noticed at some stage.  But even if it were a paltry amount.  I don't think there would be many people who wouldn't point out  when a salesman had undercharged them. Bad karma and all that.. Plus it is important to teach our children to do the right thing.  (my elder two sons have both lost their wallets on separate occassions. Both ended up at the police station, money intact).  When one of them found a wallet with $400 in it, he handed it in and never considered keeping it. 

    I remember my mother telling me a story  about finding a paper bag of money on the streets of melb 35 odd yrs ago. There was $1000+ dollars in it(a very great deal in those days) and being the honest woman she was, took it to the police station.  Some  years later when she was less naive,  she thought that the police probably had 'a jolly good party' on that money.

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    Yeah I'm afraid that smug self-righteous attitude of his gets up my nose. I think he just likes to get on telly these days.  I do not believe that Jenman real estate agents are more or less honest than any other group.  Call me a cynic but I reckon the 'honest jenman agent's" is just another marketing tool to get you to use his agents.

    Ok I get that he stands up for the underdog that got ripped off but frankly I think anyone who spends thousands on seminars in the hope of getting some 'secret' inside info on how to get rich quick are nuts.  I recall my father often saying ' a fool and his money are soon parted'.

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    I am sooooo not interested in cars.  I drive a falcon 93 wagon.  It's a work horse and owes me nothing. bought it at a govt auction 10yrs ago. Cant recall how much.  It's the car you dont want to park next to cos ya just know the owner wont care about scratches.

    my dream car would be a ute… put all my goodies that i collect from garage sales.

    For my midlife crisis I bought a honda scooter. 100cc. With 4 kids I was always driving one of them somewhere, usually a 5k radius. Soooo the scooter, i  can carry one kid and it costs $5 to fill up!

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    I get their emails and to be frank  the houses are only cashflow +  because of the deposit you put down. And of course any house will be CF+ with enough deposit.  Also many of the houses are west of the black stump so litttle likely growth.  I havent used them so perhaps you can find a gem but if you have the time, as tracy says 'tis best to do your own research.  Perhaps someone else who HAS used them can give them a better rap.


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    It would depend on how much you wish to spend.

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    Yes it's a terrible sstory  you tell Amanda and certainly not an isolated case.  Ive always been nervous at the thought of building a house…let alone a housing development.

    Listening to Anna Bligh on 4QR the other day  saying how  the state govt was going to fast track the release of land in SEQ and assist developers thro the council redtape to establish the badly needed housing.  Well they are going to have to ensure that local councils are on side. and amalgamating many of them isn't going to put smiles on many councilours faces.

    The state govt have been talking and talking about 'affordable housing '  as long as the water crisis.  Why does it always have to be at crisis point before we see any action?

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    Are you 'hands on' selling  houses now Richard?  What a pity you're too honest to do the RE agent naughty and underquote sale price and sell to your  friends  (me ) at  bargain prices

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    My area, Sandgate, has  really taken off this year.  I bought a house in March, a couple of blocks from the beach for 285k. Gave it a paint job and new kitchen and now valued at 350k.

    Good to hear comments about ips, pine rivers and redcliffe as I have houses there.
    Take the leap Linda and don't miss out.

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