Milly replied to the topic Flyscreens in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago
Hey I’m with you! I am here at 4am after waking up scratching from mossies also. Altho I have screens on most windows, I went to bed with teh unscreened french doors and front door open.
Your property mananger is rude not passing on your request to the owners. I’d put it in writting and demand that the pm pass it on to the owners. I rekkon he is…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic townhouse definition in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for the feedback. I’m thinking definitions have change over the years and they differ depending on location.
I guess I was mainly thinking of those townhouse estates where there is a pool tennis court manager etc. The BC always seems so exhorbitant. And I have never personally liked them with the big security gate out the front making me…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago
you have asked me to comment on so many points but i’m sure other formumites aren’t interested in our debating marriage and the personal foibles of mankind.While you make some very valid points, You place extremely high expectations on people. I’d say unrealistic expectations because you believe people can change their basic natures. People…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 1 month ago
I don’t believe there is such a thing as unconditional love Kenkoh. (tho love for our kids might come close)
It must be wonderful to be so selfless and idealistic. Unfortunetly we have seen all too often what happens to the ‘nice guy’.
You can be the most hardworking, attentive, helpful wonderful husband in the world and you come home one day to…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic why does everyone hate lawyers? in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago
well there aint no happy ending here folks.
Got a letter yesterday from solicitor with an attached letter from the Office of State Revenue that holds the stamp duty.
It informs me that there will be no refund of stamp duty because the “transfer failed to proceed as per your instructions” (according to section 15 of the act blah blah)
The…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic WHATS YOUR PROBLEM !! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago
Have 2 ips and heaps of equity but unable to finance a loan as I work only casually boohoo.
tis a good thought provoking post
millyMilly replied to the topic STEVE let get some balance in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 2 months ago
If i show you my package camder…..will you show me yours?
Go the Gross! I love reading his threads
Milly replied to the topic 4 kids would like to give each a place at 21 how? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago
This would be a lovely ‘leaving home’ gift.
says Celivia.
AHAH!ok i get it now! I know where you are all coming from! It has always concerned me that kids are often well into their thirties before they leave home. Buying them houses for their 21st mightn’t be such a bad idea after all. [biggrin] . I had previously thought of just buying them a…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic 4 kids would like to give each a place at 21 how? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago
hi there mkofski
Sorry i cant offer any advice relating to the specific question but I cant help saying that i agree with Richard.Education is teh best thing you can give your kids. I play the board game ‘cashflow for kids’ with my 4. The eight yr old told me the other day when i said I had no money to buy him some lollies that we need more…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic web sites in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 2 months ago
hi GR
I liked the idea of this site because they arent affiliated with any company. They aren’t there to sell me books, seminars or mentoring programs.
However there is no way they they can compare with this site for resources and information. I think you will be hard pressed finding a better forum than…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic Tenants Have 2 dogs, no fence in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago
gees I can’t believe that people with dogs dont want to find a home WITH a fence. I woulda thought it was a priority, dogs or little kids….ya gotta have a fence. I spose with no fence they will go crap in the neighbours yard so I guess that’s a bonus. But you’d think that it might worry them that rover might get squished on the road.
Anyway I…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic Found four undervalued properties in 2 days in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago
I live two burbs away from Banyo at sandgate. Last yr Dept of Natural Resources sent me a letter saying my land value was 510k. This year they sent me a letter saying it was now worth 475k.
Earlier in the year I had the house valued by a real estate agent who told me I would get between 400 and 500k if I sold it. This with the house, a huge…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic why does everyone hate lawyers? in the forum General Property 19 years, 2 months ago
Thanks C2 and Derek especially for great advice as usual.
I gave the solicitor a ring and politely enquired after a refund on the stamp duty. He told me ‘the wheels are in motion”.
yeah yeah I wonder if those wheels wouldve moved if I hadnt mentioned it.
As for my brother, since I have enduring power of attourney he leaves everything to me. He…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic why does everyone hate lawyers? in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago
hi c2
the solicitor tells us that the stamp duty was paid despite the fact the transfer never went through. Of course i have no proof of this and wouldnt be surprised if the money is floating around in the solicitors trust account.
Milly replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 3 months ago
Sandgate Brisbane
and I love where I live too!
Milly replied to the topic Pre Nups .. do they protect us ? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
Dont do it Duchess! Never consider it! I mean apart from the potential loss of assets……Do you really wanna pick up some blokes dirty socks? AND he will steal your remote control. You cant just serve up baked beans for dinner, you feel obliged to cook a ‘decent’ meal when there is a man about.
nah . Much more romantic to live in separate houses.
Milly replied to the topic How much will I need to start off! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
I believe you have to be 18 to participate in these activities. So I wouldnt be wanting to claim an ‘advertisement bonus’ for advertising on this forum if I were you gibbo, since you are only 16.
Goodluck with the property investing.
Milly replied to the topic property value in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
you can track general property values at
but i dunno how accurate it is.milly
Milly replied to the topic advice from the CF+ folk pls. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
Thankyou all for your input.
Your advice MarkyMark touched a chord. I do feel like I’m muddling about in the dark. Writing down my goal and options is a perfect idea.
And Qlds007 (thats a hellova nick to live up to! lol ) My eldest kid is 13,youngest 6 so I have a ways to go till they are independant. I am not concerned about the future or…[Read more]
Milly replied to the topic Pool or no Pool in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago
I have always been a believer in making the home kid friendly. This is especially important as they reach those teenage yrs. If teens have somewhere to hang out (with a pool of course) thats where they will be.
If the home is not kid friendly, that is, allowing them space and activities away from adults, then they will go to someone else’s…[Read more]
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