Forum Replies Created
Hi Leo
Ihave not attended paid seminars with this group but have spent a large amount of time and money over the last few years attending Steve McKnight's Seminars and also the RESULTS Mentoring Program ( started by Steve) I can only have glowing comments for all of these.. the level of integrity, quality of coaching and the products are second to none..
Warm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeDoor prizes and giveaways and come along to listen to a fantastic, energetic speaker..
Looking forward to meeting lots of new peopleWarm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeI agree with the other comments here in so much as Yardney is quite different from Steve's teachings.
Having been a part of the orignal RESULTS Mentoring Progrma for some years now, I have not bothered to attend any of Yardneys multi day events. I have however attended one of his previews and found him way too conservative for my liking and seeming to target Mum and Dad investors..that's fine for them..not for me….give me Steve's courses anyday!!!!!
In reviewing all these sorts of event I encourage people to look at what they are trying to achieve and how long they plan on taking to get there.. answering this question usually sorts the wheat from the chaff. Every invetor has a different perspective based on their model / perception of the world of invsting so what fits my way of thinking may not fit yours and vice versa.. wht ever you chooose to do i encourage people to always look at the risks and rewards and do their own due diligence, this applies to courses and seminars as much as investing in property
Warm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeCome along on Wednesday night to listen to Brendan Kelly…this guy is amazing
Door Prizes include a copy of the Ultimate Success not to be missed
6.30pm at the Bowden Brompton Community Centre
email…Book Now…seats limited..
MIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHi Tia
That is a big question tha could hae me wrting here for hours!!.wil attempt to keep it brief
1. What do you intend to do wih his property, buy and hold,reno, development?
2. What specifically are you attempting to achieve with proprty investing generally?, i encourage you to get REALLY clear on this.
3. What specifically o you expect to gain from this property in terms of Cash on Cash return/ROI/$ profit?.
4. How long do you expect it to take to make the profit/result you are seeking from this property?
5. What risks are you facing in prurchasing this property and how d you plan to mitigate those risks to a level acceptable to you?
6. What strategiesdo you curretly have experience with in relation to property and hold, positive cashflow/negative gearing, developing, renos, student accomodation etc.
7. Are you intending to buy houses or units?, remember the value in property investing is in the land content, land goes up in value building go down in value, less land and there is higher probability of the value increasing at a slower rate.Once you have clear answers to the above questions, you are much more likely to have a better understanding of what it is you are trying to achieve and whether this particular proeprty can meet those needs. Then you will need to look at comparable sales in the area and maybe even go visit a few currently on the market of similr size etc as you have suggested.
Agents should really only be used as a guide to values..ALWAYS confirm your numbers with FACTS not OPINONS
Oh and personally I use RPData
Hope this all helps
warm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHello Young Property
I would seriously consider spending some money / effort on education, buying on impulse or the hearsay of others is fraught with danger as a new property investor, these can be costly mistakes and take a lot of time effort and $ to unravel if you come to the realisation that a mistake has been made. Far better to spend that money on the education and learn from others who are already successful. Oh and a whole lot quicker
Warm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeCongrats Ben on saving the dog, meeting up with Steve yes he is an awesome businessman with loads of integrity and yes he really does care about people). Oh and congrats for being awarded the Black Box of goodies from the conference, the Advanced Master Class pack in that is GOLD.
Warm regards
Conf VounteerMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHi All
Great to read all your posts and feedback, particularly as I was a volunteer at the conference over the weekend.
Highlights from my perspective in no particular order
- Peter Daniels
- Li Cunxin
- Ron White
- Steve Mcknight
- The fanastic team I woked with over the weekend
- The amazing participants I met over the weekend with all sorts of feedback and stories
- The opportunity to catch up with fellow RESULTS participants
Despite travel from SA, accom costs and long conference days and it was my absolute pleasure to be involved
Oh and I have just signed up for the Tax Liens course at the end of the month so looking forward to meeting more of you there
Warm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeYes it is possible although you are likely to get `push back' from agents that have not done it before. I encourage you to ak the question of agents representing houses you are interested in.
warm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHi opusca1
I bought and read the first of Steve's books back in 2004, devoured it in a weekend and found a way forward.
I then attended some of his events and joined the RESULTS program as a consequence.
I am an avid reader of all of Steve's stuff, he has a no-nonsense style and his products are always packed with practical exercises, tips and hints.
I found 0-270 properties a great book also, particularly from the perspective of ramping up my skills and knowledge.
Steve does not beat around the bush his information and advice in the books is always first class
Having said all that I do need to let you know I was a contributor to the latest revision of 0-130 properties in 3.5 years so I guess I'm a bit biased about all of the info that Steve puts outWarm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeDitto drgraeme
MIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHi all
I think you will find that what ever is on the Title is the only legal aaddress, irrespective of what Australia Post thinks it is ( they may have a different address for the convenience of their mailing / delivery systems). If this is likely to cause legal confusion I urge you to seek legal advice as to the higher authority.. I suspect it is the Title documents, it certanly would be if the property was in Adelaide / SA..the home of the Torrens Title system
Warm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHi Sonya
check wih the your local rental/tenant authority in your state, here in SA it is the residential tenancies tribunal. They should be able to guide ou on local obligations of landlords and tenants.
Definitely get a copy of the lease if the agents don't give it to you speak to the REI the tenants should also have a signed copy.
It would also be worth getting a copy of your ingoing inspection sheet from the current agent, they are usually required by law to perform an nspection and provide copies to land lord, and tenant.This agent sounds like a real painin the proverbial. Remember the tenants are your clients and not theirs to own etc.
I do like the suggestion above about approaching the tenant directly..creative thinking andsomething we all need as property investors. Who knows the tenants may also have had issues with this agent. There are a lot of good tenantsout there so stay positive about all thisWarm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHi Wayne
I'm not sure why you would want to do anything more than a roughie by hand on paper then hand it off to your friend?
Often investors get caught up in the thinking that they need to be able to do everything and this can have the effect of taking us away from the main game which is investing. I encourage you to look at why you feel t he need to do this, you may be interested in the AHA'sWarm regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHello Joanne76
Wow you sound really impressed.
I have some concerns about this investment choice so can I ask whether this property is positive cash flow or negatively geared, how old is it? what sort of rental returns you are getting and how long you plan on holding it for? I'm am assuming you were looking for a more passive as opposed to active investment?
MIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHi Recco
Did you join the RESULTS program? i'm with Troynbec and Kel on this onehaving been in the program since it's inception
Warm Regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeThere are many ways to leverage both property and shares and many ways of participating in each market with varying levels of involvement.
set your goals and then work out the best way to acheive them based on your current capacity or penchant for financial education. then take massive action towards those goals and eventually you will arrive at the end results.
At the end of the day both shares and property along with business are all vehicles for wealth creation… just choose one or more and have a go…
Warm Regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHi all
It depends on what you are trying to achieve.
Have you worked out what you end goal is in dollar terms and length of time you want to achieve that goal in?
Then you need to look at whether you want to be a passive investor or active investor. Passive ivestors often buy Negative geared poperties in good growth areas and sit ans wait for the ship to come in in terms of returns. Active investors get out there and make an ordinary deal into a great deal by renovating or sub-divinding and or building on that land.
Postive cashflow properties as just a buy and hold rental are few and far between these days but they can be made with creative strategies such as suggested above and others.
If you are looking at negative gearing, have a look at Steve Mcknights article on Negative Gearing and also his books and you will see that is not the sort of strategy that he promotes and for many good reasons as you will see in the articles.
If you are unsure of which is the best approach nd are willing to spend time learning more about all this sort of thing then why not have a look at the RESULTS program promoted by Steve, it is a great program ( I've been on it for two years now) and there are some interesting people to network with and obtain support from including your own coach. By te way this years RESULTS participants have done deals to a combined total of around $50m yes you read right that is a big figure. this years Graduates have done deals to the tune of around $8m but there are a whole lot less Grads than RESULTS 3 people on the program at the moment.
I encourage you to look at all the options before comitting yourself to the negative gearing path which for many had led them to see the negative side of this strategy and the positive side of other ways of doing property investing.
Warm Regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHi Salil
It depends on how confident you are at assessing the likely problems yourself, if you arent; then get them if you feel the need.
Otherwise I agree with the conveyance and a strata report may be useful in deternining if there are other issues you need to consider.
Don;t assume that ecause the building is young it doesn't have say termites or other problems, those depend on how well it was built in the first place and maintained since. You will know whtehr or not you feel comfortable getting or not getting the report, go with that.
Warm Regards
sueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email MeHi Kento
Entirely depends on where they are and what council you are dealing with.
It would be worth contacting a local development consultant and have a chat with them, usually they are surveyors and have a great deal of knowledge re costs timeframes etc.
Catch you on the weekend
Warm Regards
SueMIT | Owen Real Estate
Email Me