MIT‘s profile was updated 4 years ago
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Positive Real Estate Mentorship in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Hi LeoIhave not attended paid seminars with this group but have spent a large amount of time and money over the last few years attending Steve McKnight's Seminars and also the RESULTS Mentoring Program ( started by Steve) I can only have glowing comments for all of these.. the level of integrity, quality of coaching and the products are second to…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Adelaide Property Meeting – Wed 20h Oct 2010…. in the forum Door prizes and giveaways 14 years ago
Door prizes and giveaways and come along to listen to a fantastic, energetic speaker..Looking forward to meeting lots of new peopleWarm regardsSue
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Metrepole Michael Yardney in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago
I agree with the other comments here in so much as Yardney is quite different from Steve's teachings.Having been a part of the orignal RESULTS Mentoring Progrma for some years now, I have not bothered to attend any of Yardneys multi day events. I have however attended one of his previews and found him way too conservative for my liking and…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Adelaide Property Meeting – Wed 20h Oct 2010…. in the forum Come along on Wednesday 14 years ago
Come along on Wednesday night to listen to Brendan Kelly…this guy is amazingDoor Prizes include a copy of the Ultimate Success not to be missed6.30pm at the Bowden Brompton Community Centreemail…Book Now…seats limited..
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Once you find a property, what checks do you do? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Hi TiaThat is a big question tha could hae me wrting here for hours!!.wil attempt to keep it briefQuestions 1. What do you intend to do wih his property, buy and hold,reno, development?2. What specifically are you attempting to achieve with proprty investing generally?, i encourage you to get REALLY clear on this.3. What specifically o you exp…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic First time investor – where to start? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
Hello Young PropertyI would seriously consider spending some money / effort on education, buying on impulse or the hearsay of others is fraught with danger as a new property investor, these can be costly mistakes and take a lot of time effort and $ to unravel if you come to the realisation that a mistake has been made. Far better to spend that…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Ben VS the Dog in the River in the forum Forum Frolic 15 years ago
Congrats Ben on saving the dog, meeting up with Steve yes he is an awesome businessman with loads of integrity and yes he really does care about people). Oh and congrats for being awarded the Black Box of goodies from the conference, the Advanced Master Class pack in that is GOLD.Warm regardsSueConf Vounteer
Millionaire in training replied to the topic 3 Day Mega Conference opinion. in the forum Hi All
Great to read all 15 years agoHi AllGreat to read all your posts and feedback, particularly as I was a volunteer at the conference over the weekend.Highlights from my perspective in no particular orderPeter DanielsLi CunxinRon White Steve McknightThe fanastic team I woked with over the weekend The amazing participants I met over the weekend with all sorts of feedback and…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic leasing a house under company name in the forum Yes it is possible although 15 years ago
Yes it is possible although you are likely to get `push back' from agents that have not done it before. I encourage you to ak the question of agents representing houses you are interested in.warm regardsSue
Millionaire in training replied to the topic carly crutchfield in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Ditto drgraeme
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Property address confusion in the forum Finance 15 years ago
Hi allI think you will find that what ever is on the Title is the only legal aaddress, irrespective of what Australia Post thinks it is ( they may have a different address for the convenience of their mailing / delivery systems). If this is likely to cause legal confusion I urge you to seek legal advice as to the higher authority.. I suspect it…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Can the owners of an IP get a copy of the lease details in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago
Hi Sonyacheck wih the your local rental/tenant authority in your state, here in SA it is the residential tenancies tribunal. They should be able to guide ou on local obligations of landlords and tenants. Definitely get a copy of the lease if the agents don't give it to you speak to the REI the tenants should also have a signed copy.It wou…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Floor plan software for owner builder in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Hi WayneI'm not sure why you would want to do anything more than a roughie by hand on paper then hand it off to your friend? Often investors get caught up in the thinking that they need to be able to do everything and this can have the effect of taking us away from the main game which is investing. I encourage you to look at why you feel t he n…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic a better choice / abc financial group pty ltd in the forum Commercial Property 17 years ago
Hello Joanne76
Wow you sound really impressed.
I have some concerns about this investment choice so can I ask whether this property is positive cash flow or negatively geared, how old is it? what sort of rental returns you are getting and how long you plan on holding it for? I'm am assuming you were looking for a more passive as opposed to…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic a better choice / abc financial group pty ltd in the forum Hello Joanne76
Wow you sound 17 years agoHello Joanne76
Wow you sound really impressed.
I have some concerns about this investment choice so can I ask whether this property is positive cash flow or negatively geared, how old is it? what sort of rental returns you are getting and how long you plan on holding it for? I'm am assuming you were looking for a more passive as opposed to…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic a better choice / abc financial group pty ltd in the forum Commercial Property 17 years ago
Hello Joanne76Wow you sound really impressed.I have some concerns about this investment choice so can I ask whether this property is positive cash flow or negatively geared, how old is it? what sort of rental returns you are getting and how long you plan on holding it for? I'm am assuming you were looking for a more passive as opposed to active…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic new experiment. YOU TELL ME what to do.. and ill do it. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi ReccoDid you join the RESULTS program? i'm with Troynbec and Kel on this onehaving been in the program since it's inceptionWarm RegardsSue
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Shares beat property over the years in the forum Opinionated! 17 years ago
There are many ways to leverage both property and shares and many ways of participating in each market with varying levels of involvement. set your goals and then work out the best way to acheive them based on your current capacity or penchant for financial education. then take massive action towards those goals and eventually you will arrive at…[Read more]
Millionaire in training replied to the topic Negative Gearing property?? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Hi allIt depends on what you are trying to achieve.Have you worked out what you end goal is in dollar terms and length of time you want to achieve that goal in?Then you need to look at whether you want to be a passive investor or active investor. Passive ivestors often buy Negative geared poperties in good growth areas and sit ans wait for the…[Read more]
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