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  • mick64 replied to the topic SMSF Nundah in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks Richard,

    It looked to me to tick a lot of boxes but its always good to hear someone elses opinion!

    I have sent you a PM regarding my smsf.


  • mick64 replied to the topic Set up costs in the forum Legal & Accounting 11 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks Gents for your responses.

    Richard, I have sent you an email re your Ebook.

    Thanks Mick

  • mick64 replied to the topic Where to get Depreciation report? in the forum I thought it was just me! 12 years ago

    I thought it was just me!

  • mick64 replied to the topic How do you initiate vendor finance? in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago

    Your income Daneo!  Separate from your rental returns
     180K @ 5.6% = $195 per week repayments + management rates etc

    less improvements in your tax position …… insurance, depreciation etc

  • mick64 replied to the topic How do you initiate vendor finance? in the forum Creative Investing 12 years ago

    My sums tell me this property is positively geared!

    Surmising a 10% deposit with an income of 50k it should generate $40-$50 per week.  

  • mick64 replied to the topic RBA meeting Tom. What r they gonna do?? in the forum Finance 12 years ago

    Not much and a long time!

  • mick64 replied to the topic RBA meeting Tom. What r they gonna do?? in the forum Finance 12 years ago

    Bold prediction……1/2% drop

  • mick64 replied to the topic What Inspires You? in the forum General Property 12 years ago

    My Family………………and the want to spend as much time with them as possible!

  • mick64 replied to the topic Concrete or stepping stones/gravel for side access? in the forum Value Adding 12 years ago

    Weed mat or geotextile fabric/bidum would be the best to use.

    I would use a river pebble rather than a gravel due to it being smooth to walk on bare footed

  • mick64 replied to the topic NRAS for Dole/low income earners? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

     Hi Aussieguy.

    Her is a link as requested, however  when I was looking at purchasing an NRAS property the marketing spin was that preferred tenants are teachers, police, nurses etc etc…….no mention of welfare recipients meeting the criteria.

    But at the end of the day the landlord still chooses who they will allow in their…[Read more]

  • mick64 replied to the topic Settlement Delay! in the forum Thanks PLC, 12 years ago

    Thanks PLC,

    Luckily it didn't apply in this case as both solicitors viewed the vendor as delaying the settlement.

  • mick64 replied to the topic Settlement Delay! in the forum Great news property settled 12 years ago

    Great news property settled today, carpets and stove professionally cleaned but still need to spend $5-600 to get it to  where it was at exchange. I will put this down to an education.

    Terry, no mention of penalty interest …..can you elaborate on where that may have come into play?

    Thanks Mick

  • mick64 replied to the topic Settlement Delay! in the forum Mystery, 12 years ago


    I think it could drag on indefinitely, however my tenant cant wait forever!

    But you are correct it is costing the vendor interest charges daily.


  • mick64 replied to the topic Settlement Delay! in the forum General Property 12 years ago

    I am beginning to think the same thing Terry!

  • mick64 replied to the topic Settlement Delay! in the forum General Property 12 years ago


    The tenants all 3 of them had only been in the property since the day before I first made an offer some 40 days ago… formal arrangements just $500 per week rent.

  • mick64 replied to the topic Settlement Delay! in the forum General Property 12 years ago

    Thanks Terry,

    Tenant has moved out , property is still filthy with minor repairs required! The vendor is unable to provide keys to the back door, the Garage, an internal door and the front deadlock.

    We have reduced a hold back that our solicitor suggested on Friday from $2000 to $750 dollars today! However the vendor wont budge…….he refuses…[Read more]

  • mick64 replied to the topic Settlement Delay! in the forum General Property 12 years, 1 month ago

    Will do Catalyst,

    Cant wait to see what today brings?


  • mick64 replied to the topic Settlement Delay! in the forum General Property 12 years, 1 month ago


    Livid is an understatement but I keep reminding myself that its business and if I get a good outcome and am not out of pocket too much than it will be OK.

    Joe, what scares me is they are actually cooking and eating amongst the filth.

  • mick64 replied to the topic Settlement Delay! in the forum General Property 12 years, 1 month ago

    My house also Rick,

    I don't think the tenants would know what day it is!

  • mick64 replied to the topic Settlement Delay! in the forum General Property 12 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks Jamie,

    It is very frustrating, our solicitor has advised that we are going to hold some monies to cover costs  however I am not sure of the legalities?

    I would be absolutely happy if the property was as inspected at time of purchase.

    Cheers Mick

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