Forum Replies Created
There is a book by solicitor Rob Balanda called Clauses made simple wher he gives you hundreds of potential clauses.
You can get details by clicking here.
The problem is the more "out clauses" you use – the less attractive your offer – so keep your offer clean and simple. Get you finance and structures in place before you make an offer and do your homework so you are comfortable with the value of the property you are buying.
An offer with no or few conditions is much more attractive to the vendor
Hi Mark
I do recommend investing in you own back yard – becuase you can become an expert in your own "patch"
But I also recommend taking advantage of the property cycle- so I believe its the wrong time to invest in Perth. But the next wave of the proeprty cycle has already started on the east coast of Australia. So if you want to make the types of profits that WA investors made over the last 3 years – you need to look elsewhere.
I'll be discussing exactly where at my upcoming catch the Next Property Wave Seminars in July and August – find out more here
With the Perth Property Expo on next weekend, I thought I would bump up this topic so WA forum members could take advantage of the offer of FREE tickets
See the first post in this topic
One of the top selling property books in Australia last year was my book
How to Grow a Multi Million Dollar Proeprty Portfolio – in your spare time.
It has already had 2 reprints and with sales increasing each month the publisher is about to do a third reprint.It is written both for beginners as well as advanced property investors and explains how our next property boom will be Australia's biggest property boom and how to take advantage of it. This is is supported by strong demographic evidence that also highlights our next major growth regions.
For advanced investors there are chapters on:-
- tax loopholes,
- finance strategies,
- negotiation,
- dealing with agents,
- auctions,
- renovations and
- an section on living off the increasing equity of your Multi Million Dollar Property Portfolio.
There is no typical buffer – it partly depends upon the agent, and the property and the current market.
May I suggest that's not the way to go about buying a property – work out it's fair market price and in the inner and middle ring suburbs of Melbourne, you are going to have to be prepared to pay a "fair" price today.
The days of the bargains are gone – well located properties are snapped up in days and there are usually multiple offers on each property . I have a team of 7 buyers agents out there buying properties all day and I her what's going on in the "trenches"
If you find a "bargain" then maybe you should be asking "What's wrong with this property? Why don't others want it?"
The market in Melbourne strated turning 12 months ago and is pretty hpt at present. Buy the best property you can afford and look for properties with strong upsaide potential or properties to which you can add value
I can give you the name of one we use for our clients – please email me at
millions wrote:Error on date Michael?OOPs!! Thanks I've fixed it
With the Sydney Property Expo strating this Friday I thought I would bump up this thread for anyone who wanted a FREE ticket.
You see….
As a keynote speaker at the Sydney Property Expo I am able to offer you FREE tickets to the Sydney Property Expo which will be held at Darling Harbour on March 23rd to 25th
I will be speaking each day in the afternoon so it would be great to see you there.
Details to get your free ticket are a little complicated but it’s worth the trouble – it will save you $18 and you can get a few for your friends.
This is how you get your tickets- Its a litle convoluted, but it saves you waiting in the queue, registering on the day and you can geta few tickets for your friends
Go to
Click on Sydney and Press Enter
Click on the middle red section that says Discount Tickets (don’t worry you will get more than the $5 off they are offering you – I’ll explain how.
Fill in your details to register and then put in the promotional code METRO
You FREE ticket will be emailed to you. Please repeat this again for your spouse or friends.
I look forward to seeing you there, come up and say hello!
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription posted by wanelad:It may be an idea to include the area you would like to invest in as buyers agents often cover particular areas. Michael Yardley is often on this forum and seems quite popular I am sure he is from NSW
Mortgage Adviser
First home buyers, investors, refinace, loan consolidation, equity loans, free service we come to you!Thanks for the recommendation Wayne
Metropole Buyers Agency have offices in Melbourne and Brisbane and specialise in investment properties.
Cherry Pro – before you engage anyone including us – please have a look at this checklist
on how to choose a buyer’s agent… Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription posted by wanelad:That was a nice gesture Michael I am sure many will benefit unfortuantely I am in Brisbane
Mortgage Adviser
First home buyers, investors, refinace, loan consolidation, equity loans, free service we come to you!No problems Wayne
I’m also speaking in Brisbane and will provide tickets on this forum for that one when it comes around
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription posted by vishi:I appreciate if somebody is kind enough to email me ( a simple sparedsheet (execl format) to do feasibility/cost analysis of a development in Sydney (Duplex or multiunit).
Just to warn you – there is no such thinga s a “simple” feasibility spreadsheet
If it’s simple you’ll proabbaly leave out all thos ethings that will make the difefernce bewteena successful project and a failure.
If you would like to see a sample feasibilty – check this out
As you can see there are many variables to consider.
This was done with the program Feastudy – you can find out more about it here…
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription finance requirements of a proeprty development are much stricter than those for a normal buy and hold investment.
Most lenders will reuire you to put at least 20% of the capital up first.
This article will help you understand the different requirements for development finance…
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription hold and develop in the long term is a great strategy.
But to do that you will need to understand a bit more about the development process before you buy and what you can build or not on the property.
You will find that most proeprties of 600sm (as you mention) will not be big enuf to take 2 dwellings in the suburbs you mention.
So before you buy anything either geta basic underatnding of waht is required for town plannning or get soemone on your team that does.
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription my list of 12 questions you should ask a proeprty manager pleae check this link
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription teh brisbane market has hotted up – but only in ceratin areas.
Only 10 suburbs had double digit growth last year – compared to over 130 in 2003.
So you can’t just buy any proeprty there and hope to do well.
But good properties get snapped up quickly. Our Brisbane office bought 3 properties last week – 2 of them within 24hrs of being placed on the market – they didn’t get to the general public.
So you have to do your research well and know when to make a “fair offer”
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription posted by krautcan:So what you are saying Michael is that you pay $200/week out of your wages into the property to cover the costs and then take $10k back out of the equity and pay 7%interest on it?
No not at all.
Thnaks still thinking cashflow.
That’s still thinking I need to wrok for a living and my properties.
What I am suggesting is you use a line of credit or something like that as a “big credit card” from which to pay off your shortfall.
Paying your shortfall out of your wages won’t get you far.
Sure this is a more advanced concept and not always for beginners, but its teh way the rich get richer and clearing explained in my book How to Grow a Multi Million Dollar Proeprty Portfolio – in your spare time.
It will be worth the read
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription posted by ao:G’day all
just wondering if anyone would like to comment on some developers in Melbourne? i live in Sydney so i have no idea…who is the biggest in Melbourne? any developers with good reputation? any bad ones?
any comment would be greatly appreciated
aoI may be able to help but what is it that you are looking for – what information do yo want?
Are you interested in a buying a property and if so what type? Are yu only interested for buying from the big developers?
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription’s great that you are thinking of this in advance.
I’ve seen a number of friendships broken up when joint ventures went wrong.
Only yeserday a client told me how he and an ex joint venture partner were in court because of something his partner bought outside the joint ventute, which went wrong. But because of thier partnership in another entity, this client was being sued for $110,000.
Yes you need an accountnat, but to set it up right you also may need a solicitor.
If you want to bring yourself up to speed on this and not pay a fortune in consultants fees educationg yourself, solictor Rob Balanda has come up with a great CD set – Joint Venture made simple
You can details here. I recommend it….
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription posted by krautcan:Has anybody suggested to Michael Yardney that $30k in equity won’t feed the children of feul the car! With a loss of $10k per IP, how many IP’s can you own before you have no income tax to -ve gear? A couple for most of us or 3 maybe 4.
Sorry to disagree but of course you can feed the kids with our increasing equity[biggrin] It’s really your income and it’s passive income and not taxed
That’s the difference between the average investor and the super successful investor.
It’s a totally different mindset.
The average investor doesn’t think like the rich investor. The only know how to increase their income by working more hours. The only way they think of their income is as cash flow, as money coming in.
On the other hand, the rich understand that capital growth, the increasing equity of their property investments, is as good as, if not better than cash flow.
They know they can borrow against this increase in equity and use the funds just the same way they would use money earned in other ways, for example as a deposit for further investments or even to live off.
Many beginning investors who don’t understand this rule try to buy “positive cash flow properties†because that’s the only way they understand they can make money out of property.
I understand why they feel the need for strong cash flow. I hear them say things like “What’s the use of capital growth. I can’t eat capital growth and it doesn’t pay the mortgage.â€
In fact they are wrong!
They can borrow against this capital growth to help pay for their mortgage and their lifestyle.
The average investors are even uncertain that there will be capital growth.
However the best indicator of future capital growth of any property in a particular area is the areas long term track record of capital growth in that area. So buying a property that is going to be in continuous strong demand by owner occupiers and tenants, buying a property with some elements of scarcity or buying properties in high growth areas should underpin the long term capital growth of the value of their investment.
The rich know that as the value of their properties increase they can borrow against this increasing value. When they receive these borrowed funds they can take this money without paying tax on it and use it for whatever purposes they desire.
I know capital growth properties are a totally different mindset to what many forum members have, but its the way the rich get richer.
This cocept is explained in detail in my top selling book – How to Grow a Multi Million Dollar Property Portfolio -in your spare time.
It will laso be explaine din detail in my forthcoming round of seminars around Australia in March – if you haven’t reserved your spots yet click here to find out more….
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription
Good luck with your development. Let us know how it goes[biggrin]
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
Join over 20,000 readers.
FREE subscription