Total Members: 159,740


  • Many years ago, in the 1980’s and when I was much younger, I did some things I am very ashamed of. I paid a very heavy price for my indiscretions. I lost my profession, the respect of all my colleagues’ friends and family.I was punished and in general, society gives people a second chance once they have paid their dues. I have taken that opp…[Read more]

  • Many years ago, in the 1980’s and when I was much younger, I did some things I am very ashamed of. I paid a very heavy price for my indiscretions. I lost my profession, the respect of all my colleagues’ friends and family.I was punished and in general, society gives people a second chance once they have paid their dues. I have taken that opp…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic FREE Tickets to the Melbourne Property Expo in the forum Heads Up! 16 years ago

    If you have nothing better to do this weekend, don't forget the Melbourne Property Expo. You can get FREE tickets – see post above. The numbers of attendees were down yesterday to previous years – that's not surprising. Not as many exhibitors either. But some of the presentations were really good – so if you're not into Bathurst come along -…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic FREE Tickets to the Melbourne Property Expo in the forum Heads Up! 16 years ago

    kev2008 wrote:
    i have tried this promo word about 30 time now on diff computers and i still does not work could you tell me why thanks kev.

    Not sure why you're having problems Kev – I just checked it and the code METRO worked well for me

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic FREE Tickets to the Brisbane Property Expo in the forum Heads Up! 17 years ago

    Just bumping this up to remind Qld forum members that they can get free tickets by using the code at the beginning of this message rather than paying at the door.The Expo is next weekend.

  • wrote:
    Oh by the way Mike Y … Philip is not writing these he reads this forum from time to time so you don't need to email him as a worried sole … He has given me a message for you … He said IHHO when u started out he thought what a great bloke and a fresh approach … and now what a shame another nice one has fallen victim…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic Metropole as a buyers agent??? in the forum Heads Up! 17 years ago

    <font color=”#000000″>Thanks everyone for the kind words.If you allow me, I will clarify the position.Metropole is a national organization with offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. </font><font color=”#000000″>No we don't use contractors in various states – you are dealing with the one firm of Property Investment Strategists nationally.While…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic Metropole as a buyers agent??? in the forum Heads Up! 17 years ago

    <font color=”#000000″>Thanks everyone for the kind words.If you allow me, I will clarify the position.Metropole is a national organization with offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. </font><font color=”#000000″>No we don't use contractors in various states – you are dealing with the one firm of Property Investment Strategists nationally.While…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic Metropole as a buyers agent??? in the forum Thanks everyone for the kind 17 years ago

    <font color=”#000000″>Thanks everyone for the kind words.If you allow me, I will clarify the position.Metropole is a national organization with offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. </font><font color=”#000000″>No we don't use contractors in various states – you are dealing with the one firm of Property Investment Strategists nationally.While…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic Metropole as a buyers agent??? in the forum Heads Up! 17 years ago

    Thanks everyone for the kind words.If you allow me, I will clarify the position.Metropole is a national organization with offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. No we don't use contractors in various states – you are dealing with the one firm of Property Investment Strategists nationally.While I founded the company and am still actively…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic Sydney finally turning? in the forum General Property 17 years ago

    The experience of our agents "on the ground" in Sydney also confrim that things are starting to happen.But it's only patchy – some suburbs are performling strongly due to affluent owner ocupier demand, and others are floudering due to first home owners running into mortgage stress.There is huge pent up demand in Sydney and when it does take off,…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic FREE tickets to the Sydney Property Expo in the forum Heads Up! 17 years ago

    Since the Sydney Property Expo is on next weekend, I thought I would bump up this post to remind forum members that they can get FREE tickets to this and save money and the time queing up at the venue.Please go to the first post in this thread to see how you can get your tickets.I'll be there some time each day – so please come up and say hello.

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic MAC Users in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 17 years ago

    I sort of agree – It's taken a while, but I'm really beginning to appreciate my mac

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic MAC Users in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 17 years ago

    I have moved to the dark side – yes I've swapped to a MAc and it's great.I agree you need firefox – it's a free download

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic I have inherited some money, what should I do? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    If you do what most lottery winners do – you will be happy for  afew months, but by the end of the year, you'll be back where you started.If you didn't know how to 'do money" before your inheritance" you better become financiall fluent before you spend this money.If you educate your self, you've got a great chance of makng ue of these…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic Chan and Naylor accountants in the forum General Property 17 years ago

    cu@thetop wrote:
    Thank you for your comments Michael. I suspect that there is more money in 5k /weekend seminar with 100 participants then flipping 3 houses.  just remember one education guru using the forum to raise $ for property investments- avoiding the ASIC prohibitions.Old and cynical is my propblem.

    I guess cynical is better than…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic RE Agent Commission?? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    Real estate agents commisons are negotiable and vary form 1.5% to over 2.5%.They are more likely to drop their commisions on larger properties.I agree you shoud negotiate a commision, but I'm not sure playing one off against the other will work in your favour. You want someone to work hard for you to get you the best price for your property. Don't…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic Chan and Naylor accountants in the forum General Property 17 years ago

    cu@thetop wrote:
    …… Real successes are unlikely to be giving seminars etc- they are too busy making money. …..

    Hi cu@thetopThe general tone of this thread, being be careful from whom you take advice and be careful who you trust is very sound advice.But I find the above an interesting statement and with all due respect a common one made…[Read more]

  • Boy in Blue wrote:
    From my calculations, the article stating Darwin prices to hit $8.36M in 30 years, based on 8% growth and median price of $385,000 is WRONG.Based on 8% growth over 30 years, the price would be $3.87M, and after 40 years, $8.36M, after 100 years $846M,……..So what has to give?

    I just read this thread today … very…[Read more]

  • MichaelYardney replied to the topic Property Clock where are we at the momment? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    mauricio wrote:

      I will be presenting an updated property clock and an updated status of the markets including Hobart in my next e-magazine – it comes out this Friday free to over 30,000 subscribers -It also included details of a free webcast with 5 property experts form around Australia giving their forecasts of the market a…[Read more]

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