Total Members: 159,757


  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Wrap Kit in the forum Creative Investing 18 years ago

    did you find a wrap kit?? I have one if you are still interested! [strum]

    “The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in which direction we are moving.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Trust changes in new FY? in the forum Legal & Accounting 21 years ago

    I though the monthly insider was pointing out something more sinister as well… are we DEFINATE that the end of FY was the only concern or is it possible that it was related to something else we may not of encountered?? Can any one close this post off with a rock solid answer??

    Cheers Michael…

    “The greatest thing in this…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Insider… in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    The July Insider has just landed in my inbox – at hotmail. does this mean Steve and the team have corrected the problems emailing to hotmail??

    “There will never be another now — I will make the most of today.
    There will never be another me — I will make the most of myself.” — Robert H. Schuller

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Insider… in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Steve,
    I’m using hotmail… up until (and including) March i was receiving them fine. I tjust dawned on me today that i hadn’t received any more!
    Oh.. by the way would you mind replying to my post re finance or drop me an email with your thoughts? It would be greatly appreciated!!

    “There will never be…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic A rare breed indeed… in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Sooshie what can i say… you have a way with words!! Brilliant reply with which i agree wholeheartedly!!
    Every person born unto this earth is both a giver AND a taker. I think it would be fairer to state that each individual will tend to find a balance which will lean to one or the other, however at the end of the day not ONE of us – or anyone on…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic property insurance in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Can anyone else share the insurance details for their situation?

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic property insurance in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi All,
    Long time – no post!!
    Hot back to it though [}:)]…
    and what an awesome topic to come back to… Insurance!! [:P]
    This is a truely magic opportunity to build a wealth of knowledge here, on one post, covering ONLY insurance. So here is a suggestion to put out to everyone; lets ALL post only info relating to insurance Herein?!![:O]
    So even if…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic I have one question! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Paul
    It was great to finally read a post from you that wasnt either sarcastic, degrading, agressive, nasty or condescending!!!
    I think you are a man with a huge amount of life experience and as such will have a lot to share with so many people…. but you have to stop posting in a manner that rubs EVERYONE up the wrong way!!! your content is…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Free book offers….. in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi Watto
    Thanks for the sites… did both still waiting on one book and have scored the one from – how to invest in managed funds by marg lomas. should be a good lighthearted look at the “mainstream” flock approach to investing!

    Cheers Michael…

    “There will never be another now — I will make the most of t…[Read more]

  • Thanks Steve
    This is the same solicitor Bruce Innocent recommended so I’ll deftinately give him a call.
    (I’m sure he’ll be happy to shout lunch…. i’m aiming to be a big fishy swimming in his pond someday!!)
    Great accountant you’ve got… be sure to let him know i’d be booking an appt to see him… if his client book wasn’t full…[Read more]

  • Thanks AD I’m about to check it out mate…

    Anyone else got any suggestions???

    Pleeeeeease help….

    “The big challenge is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximize your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit.” – Jim Rohn

  • Hi Tim
    I dont recall reading the post however i shall take another browse through the topics and hopefully locate it!!
    Was it specifically listing PI software giving pro’s and con’s of each???
    This was my aim with this post…. to get all the software knowledge together on ONE post instead of in dribs and drabs here and there!!!
    To answer your…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Commercial & Industrial in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi cmak,
    I guess welcome to the forum is a good place to start, i’m sure you will find it very informative!!!
    Alas, in answer to your question i personally have no Commercial & Industrial(C&I) property in my portfolio. Nor do i aim to in the near future as wraps are to be my primary focus in 2003 and beyond!. However i’m sure someone will be happy…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Happy New Year. in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Happy New Year to each and every one who uses this forum…
    Wow what a year 2002 was! I look forward to 2003 and the wonderful opportunity it brings, and i hope we all continue to help each other to grow through the synergy of our combined experiences for many a day yet!!!
    Thankyou everyone for allowing us all to grow from the experiences,…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Looking after your tenants in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    The more you think of your tenants,(demonstrated as cards, etc.) the less you hear from them… even minor repairs seem to magically disappear!!
    Our tenant has been in the same unit for 6yrs and has no plans on going anywhere!!
    Dont ever forget that EVERY human being on earth loves a little respect and recognition every now and…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic PLEASE HELP: Mortgage Insurance Rip Off in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Hi Dan,
    you pose this question:

    “What do you mean by the banks self insure? does this mean that mortgage insurance is negotiable??”

    I might be able to shed some light on the subject, so here goes.

    1stly i believe that what is meant by the expression that “banks self insure”, is that they actually assume the risk associated with offering you a…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Can anyone help me? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi E.O.D.,

    It’s your luky day… i just happen to work at Centrelink… so here is some direction in regards to your questions!

    1. Rent assistance will go. No ifs buts or maybes.

    2. There are two types of family tax benefit (FTB) and although i dont personally deal with this type of benefit i would be quite confident in telling you that neither…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Quite times and Reflections in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Merry Christmas to you Sooshie!!

    I’m off to spend xmas with the family and, as always at this time of year, i will try and find some quiet time to sit and read over my goals and re-evaluate them!! Hopefully I’ll get in a spot of trout fishing in the highland region of Tas as well as some quad biking with the brother in law!!
    How about yourself……[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic Property Investing .Com Launches New Web-Site! in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Here, Here!!!!
    I totally agree with Gavin.
    You all deserve our collective recognition of a job so well done!!!.
    A big thanks to everyone who has worked on improving this website.
    This site really provides a plethora of options to newbies, and the more seasoned property investors alike.
    It is truely an enjoyable site to browse!!!
    And again, I must…[Read more]

  • MichaelLong replied to the topic A question open for community discussion in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Wow, everyone is sooo right in what they are saying!!!
    And so they always will be, as investing of any form, in any vehicle, is entirely personal. Everybody invests with their own goals in mind which are a direct reflection of their level of comfort. Each and every one of us has our own comfort zones and as such we all choose to either invest…[Read more]

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