michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic Top 5 Landlord Mistakes…? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
I have just returned from inspecting my IP at Redcliffe. The tenants moved out without doing any cleaning, leaving all unwanted stuff and rubbish behind, having not ventilated the house have got mould on the back verandah ceiling. I understand the agent has claimed all the bond but not received payment yet, signed up a new tenant and although n…[Read more]
michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic Top 5 Landlord Mistakes…? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Hi, Is it not true that if you have to make a claim on your Landlords Insurance, you need to have a current valid lease agreement? This could be another reason why landlords like to get the tenant sign a new lease.
michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic Loan Offer At a Very Affordable Interest Rate in the forum Creative Investing 17 years ago
To enlighten fellow forumites about Nigerian scams – i have also come accross them. My experience is as follows:I am self employed, selling water purifiers ranging in price from as little as $200 to $2000. I got a call from a Nigerian asking about prices. Ofcourse I told him if he wanted nothing but the best he would be looking at $2000 each…[Read more]
michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic Loan Offer At a Very Affordable Interest Rate in the forum Creative Investing 17 years ago
To enlighten fellow forumites about Nigerian scams – i have also come accross them. My experience is as follows:I am self employed, selling water purifiers ranging in price from as little as $200 to $2000. I got a call from a Nigerian asking about prices. Ofcourse I told him if he wanted nothing but the best he would be looking at $2000 each…[Read more]
michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic The US Government will pay me $36,500 to rent out a property in the USA in the forum Overseas Deals 17 years ago
Hi Paul, just did some research SRAP funding closed. Benefits are higher if you are paying taxes in America.http://www.gozoneonline.com/GZIntro/1/med/SRAP2.htmAll the best, anwayMichaela
michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic Centerlink in the forum Opinionated! 17 years ago
I too have a tenant who moved in 3 mths ago and does not pay on the regular day. I have registed with Centrelink as a provider of housing for its clients and i have been given a form for the tenant and myself to fill in sign and return to them. Once this is done it is expected the rent will go into my account once a fortnight. I am aware the te…[Read more]
michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic how did Steve McNight finance his properties? in the forum Hi Steve, been a long time 17 years ago
Hi Steve, been a long time since i visited this site. Wish your wife a speedy recovery and all the best to youand your family for 2008.Thanks for this website. I have decided to revisit as I am now in a position to open my mind to new possibilities.
michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic Quick Question: What is negative gearing? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
Thanks for that link Steve. I found it very informative and helpful.
michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic REDCLIFFE MANIA in the forum General Property 17 years ago
I have three properties in Redcliffe – any buyers? – One is only asking $310K rented @ $250 pw walk to water – East of Oxley.New Kitchen and Bathroom etc
michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic spray painting in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
One more tip: Dont forget to use a mask, cover your hair and wear safety glasses
I havent tried spraying on walls or ceilings yet but am seriously considering it for the next time.
Have fun anyway
michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic Dealing with Negative People in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Yep, know all about others negativity. I recently bought an IP and did not tell my partner about it and dont intend to in the near future cos if i did I would be woken up at 2am by him worrying and stressing me out. Its not like I was using his money (we tend to keep our finances seperate) or his property as security. I have a tough time…[Read more]michaela_alvares5728 replied to the topic RESULTS Mentoring Program in the forum Heads Up! 19 years ago
Like Coral33, I have been wondering what it is I am going to get out of the results mentoring programme – Ive just signed up and stressing out whether Ive done the right thing – I have been investing in IPs for a while though they were not +CF to start with – they now more or less take care of themselves and have increased in value -…[Read more]