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  • Michael4 replied to the topic Maribyrnong in the forum General Property 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hi tmillery,Just make sure that you do abit of research as suburbs on the west and north closer to the airport noise levels will never do as well as the properties on the east and south east!Just take a look at what happened in sydney and everything will be much clearer.It is not only proximity to the CBD that is important, but location, type of…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic What are the Pros & Cons? Investing in Unilodge apartments in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    H hamoracci,Don't even go there. I had a friend that was in the same trouble as Terry mentoned! Stay clear!!!cheers,Michael

  • Michael4 replied to the topic Investing in Inner City Studio’s in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    hi there,I agree with Masih when it comes to the IP strategy.I don't advise anyone to buy studio units in sydney as they are old crappy and will get you least amount of appreciation and most amount of headaches when it comes to maintenance and all the strata you have to pay.I suggest for you to look at houses that are old but with a sizeable land…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic Kellyville Ridge and the Rouse Hill Town Centre in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hi investor newbie,I live in north parramatta and i can tell you that you can buy a decent townhouse or a unit in the north parramatta which is a better side or buy a unit in the centre that is older.I rather buy in parramatta then spend 350k+ to buy a unit in kellyville ridge!i will almost always recommend to buy a crap house on a big block in…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic Advice, Help & Suggestions in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Jbendall,There is more information at hand that will lead you to make a right choice when buying an IP.The website below give you different indicators of how the economy, housing, industry etc are performing.They – free…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic Help – Free Townhouse Werribee Vic in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Beck,I do not believe that your townhouse is worth $270k unless is one of those units that are amazing!You need to affer it below 240k mark in order to ask for the fair price as most prices now are inflated in melbourne.cheers,Michael

  • Michael4 replied to the topic Found that elusive positive cash flow property… finally in the forum General Property 17 years, 1 month ago

    hi to all,It's good to know that +CF ar still out there! I bought one 3 years ago in SA! And yes unlike hgwells i wil say from what town i bougth by IP's. It is the fastest growing regional town of Port Augusta! You can still find 8%+ as there are still opportunities! Rents are increasing all the time as a result of high demand for rental vs low…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic how can my friend onsell her off-the-plan property? in the forum General Property 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hi ao,The beast is to speak to your accountant on the implications of selling the property of that type and your solicitor for any legal matters that may arrise.cheers,Michael

  • Michael4 replied to the topic Should I sell high yield property through buyer’s agent? in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Chris,Send me an email with the details and as i might make an offer too!michael

  • Michael4 replied to the topic South Coast vs Central Coast NSW in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    sorry if i confused you. you can only get FHOG for PPOR but just becuase you bay an IP first it does not mean later when you want to buy PPOR that you can't get order to get FHOG you have to by the property as PPOR, then move out of the PPOR and rent it out.i suggest you use the FHOG later as the government will most likely increase the…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic South Coast vs Central Coast NSW in the forum that is a good bet at the 17 years, 1 month ago

    that is a good bet at the moment. Victoria's regional areas.You don't lose FHOG if you buy an ip but if you decide to move in the property after few years or later then yes you won't be able to get it.However you can use the appreciation of the 1st ip to buy the house that you want to live in that is in your state and you can get FHOG.areas like…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic South Coast vs Central Coast NSW in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    ok i understand. Do you want to invest in sydney only or anywhere will do if you get appreciation and ok rent?

  • Michael4 replied to the topic South Coast vs Central Coast NSW in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hi longroad,that is true but if you are looking at the long term hold 5-10 years land is almost always better!what is your strategy? buy and hold?

  • Michael4 replied to the topic South Coast vs Central Coast NSW in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    tysonboss,i agree with you one all of your points. i was saying that generally that is the better option than units or townhouses.Ofcourse if there is a resoning that could take place in the near future even though you pruchased units you will make even more money than if you just bought a old house, renovated it, and sold it few years later.keep…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic South Coast vs Central Coast NSW in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hi longroad,If you want something to positive chasflow the you cannot look in this area as most yield are in 3-6% range which is not even close to being positvely geared. You need to look at regional areas of NSW preferably up the coast.i wouldn't recommend you ever to buy a townhouse vs old house on a large block. here are the reasons:1. Land…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic Is WA real estate market boom busting? in the forum General Property 17 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Pud,Thank you for the information. From my research i have to agree that the perth market is definately slowing down as i got some friends that live in perth and invest.i rather invest in areas that will be booming in the next 6-12 or so then in an area that is coming off the boom period. Thanks once again for the info!cheers,michael

  • Michael4 replied to the topic Which GST expenses can you claim back ? in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 2 months ago

    Hi,You won't be able to claim any expenses from my experience if they are not related to IP expenses. if you are trying to claim personal expenses from the property you live in you won't have a chance!IP, business is the only way to claim most if not all the expenses!The best thing to do is ask an accountant for explanation cheers,michael

  • Michael4 replied to the topic Is WA real estate market boom busting? in the forum General Property 17 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Luckyinvestor,Don't believe everything you read or hear from media!I beleive that there are areas around Perth that will still continue to grow that have bright future in terms of infrastructure and development happening in those area that will make the values of the properties go up in the present and near future.Look at council plans for the…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic Water and climate change affecting how buyers select real estate in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Eve,While the drought is an important issue and worthwhile to bear in mind when investing in some of the areas you mentioned it will not stop an investor to buy the ip in that area especially if it is a booming town, close to beaches, shops etc.The point is that no matter how affected the areas might be don't be scared or worried if you find a…[Read more]

  • Michael4 replied to the topic South Coast vs Central Coast NSW in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Longroad,I agree with you that the prices might be too high for you budget but be rest assured that this is the best time to buy in this area.I wouldn't advise you to look for the units in this area siply becaue there will be few more developments in the near future, they are too expensive as most have water views and the older type units won't…[Read more]

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