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  • mhugo replied to the topic INVESTING IN NZ in the forum Overseas Deals 17 years, 8 months ago

    Hi guys,  can anyone tell me what the letters WDC are with a dollar amount in respect to purchase of a leasehold property?  Is this the amount you pay to the person who owns the land? and then do you also have to pay the rates on that land?  Any help appreciated?

  • mhugo replied to the topic Funding for bedsit 24 sq in the forum No Subject 19 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks Terry,
    They are bedsitters, bedroom/lounge/dining all in one room, a kitchenette and a small bathroom. Mainly for uni students, and it is 2 minutes walk to the town centre and bus stop etc. Any help is appreciated. Today another unit in the block went up for sale with a new tenant. I really am interested but need finance to continue.

  • mhugo replied to the topic Funding for bedsit 24 sq in the forum Finance 19 years, 4 months ago

    I am in outer Sydney area and looking at 2 bedsits of 24 sq each with LVR of 60% . My mortgage broker is having trouble finding a lender who will lend under 50sq, and also I am using a Unit Trust as the purchaser. Learning more each day…..


  • mhugo replied to the topic How Who Where What – of lending in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years, 11 months ago

    I too am going to be investing in NZ shortly. Ilived in the North Island for 14 years. I was advised by some in the know to use the ANZ Bank as it is “The Australia & New Zealand Banking Group”. You can download the forms from the ANZ NZ site, fill them out, and take them into the closest Branch in Aus. They verify your details and onforward…[Read more]

  • mhugo replied to the topic Trusts, Lending to trusts etc in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 11 months ago

    I too am a new investor, and after reading the forum notes on Trusts have just received and read in 2 days Trust Magic. It is an excellent ,informative document and is definitely the way to go. I have an appointment with my accountant on Monday to set everything up, before I buy my first IP, as yes, it is costly to transfer over from…[Read more]

  • mhugo replied to the topic New Zealand 2005 in the forum Overseas Deals 19 years, 11 months ago

    Hi everyone, I will be going to NZ at beginning of March to visit my son, and would like to contact a “birddogger”. I lived in Wanganui for 14 years, and my son still lives there, and would like to purchase some CF properties, not necessarily for the capital gains. You can email me at [email protected]. All replies gratefully received.[blush2]

  • mhugo replied to the topic Bird Dogs? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 11 months ago

    Hi guys, I too am interested in contacting someone in the Nth Island of NZ to birddog as you call it. I lived in Wanganui for 14 years, but have been back in Aus since 1991. Any contact addresses would be appreciated.


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