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  • Meretrader replied to the topic changing strata title to freehold in Qld in the forum Help Needed! 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    Thanks Karen, but I did see that Daryl Richards is experienced in this area, but I do not know how to contact him.


  • Meretrader replied to the topic changing strata title to freehold in Qld in the forum Help Needed! 8 months, 2 weeks ago


    I am sorry I gave the wrong information for lot size of our complex of 3 double story town homes in Brisbane.  We want to know if it can be done to change the strata title to free hold, and if it is viable to do so.

    Land size for each home  is 167 m2, 139 m2, and 239 m2.

    Many thanks,


  • Meretrader started the topic changing strata title to freehold in Qld in the forum Help Needed! 8 months, 2 weeks ago


    We are in a small block (3) of double story town homes, and I am wondering if it is possible to change the title from Strata to Freehold easily.  One of the town homes is freestanding, and the other 2 are only connected by 1 wall which is the garage.  They all have some land with them for patios and gardens.

    From what I can make out f…[Read more]

  • Meretrader became a registered member 8 months, 2 weeks ago


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