MemphisPropertyInvestors replied to the topic tenant had a break-in in the forum General Property 12 years, 1 month ago
Agreed. The tenant should have renters insurance. The landlord is responsible for ensuring a safe structure. If you do NOT replace the screen doors, the tenant could have a right to sue your company for un-liveable rental conditions.
MemphisPropertyInvestors replied to the topic Should you buy in lowlife areas? in the forum General Property 12 years, 1 month ago
As an American investment company, we have experience in this area.
We are finding that many investors are now looking into low income housing areas.
With the economical down-turn in Memphis Tennessee, our rental properties are across all ranges, from good neighborhoods, to bad. I would recommend that you have a target marketing (purchase) area,…[Read more]MemphisPropertyInvestors replied to the topic Seeking Sydney Rental – North Shore in the forum Hello, I agree that you 12 years, 1 month ago
Hello, I agree that you should be able to find a property in this rental range.