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  • Profile photo of MelodieMelodie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    First: Thankyou to the Moderator!

    Thankyou Pelican and advisor for your advice..

    Ive now had another thought..

    I own the house and the vacant block next door and was selling both together..but am now thinking about splitting them..using the sale of the first property to build on the second and wrap that.. (or sell if it makes sense at the time I guess)but Im still reading this site and all the info so its all really a bit doing NOTHING now till I know what Im doing…

    I turned down the investors btw.. they wanted me to reduce the price [comp] and after reading your comments and knowing the property isnt overpriced (in fact a little under) I decided not to.. thankyou again


    Profile photo of MelodieMelodie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Im Melodie and I am a tenant .. Cos someone has to be [biggrin]


    Profile photo of MelodieMelodie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    Well.. now I dont quite know what to do.. I have been made an offer by an investment company who want to pay me a bit over half now and the balance in 2-3 years.. I guess I would technically be wrapping this property but the difference in their offer to what Ive seen as the normal model is that they will cover the rates and the maintenance on the property..

    Now to me this is like a win situation..I get some cash now that I badly need and have a bit more sitting waiting for me in the next couple of years. Im not sure whether I can still use the property as leverage for further investment and will look into that but Im just a bit hesitant..

    Something about if it sounds too good to be true it just might be?

    Any feedback/opinions would be appreciated

    Profile photo of MelodieMelodie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    Thanks for the help.. I think [confused2]

    Ive decided to sell now and the next property Im going to try being a little more creative with.

    thanks again


    Profile photo of MelodieMelodie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    Ok.. I went looking outside the forums and found a heap of stuff.. the first being Its not called vendor finance..its called wrapping.. and there is a heap of info on it.. [blush2] thankyou..

    Oh please..not another Knight in shining alfoil!

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