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  • Melbourne3000 replied to the topic How should I buy an investment property? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    In regards to what Property88 has to say I would be Interested to know what Investments He has and what Qualifications He has also.I am a Qualified Tradesman who has worked with and know's Residential and Commercial Builder's and Developers, Carpenters, Finance Consultants, people with Multiple Properties and I have studied The Melbourne Re…[Read more]

  • Melbourne3000 replied to the topic How should I buy an investment property? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Good on ya mate!Make it happen, If you were to get a House at your age and JUST have The Tenants pay The Interest you would have a Property that will have Increased Dramatically by the time you are 25.And that would mean Capital Growth and / Equity.If you have The Vision to do this then Go ahead,  just buy something that has Potential, and try Bu…[Read more]

  • Melbourne3000 replied to the topic Do you really need a bath? in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    If you had a Large Bathroom you could consider putting a claw foot Bath there and then the only thing that Is permanately fixed is your Waste Pipe and Hot and Cold Taps and spout of course……

  • Melbourne3000 replied to the topic Buying Near Jails in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Hi, This could be an opportunity to Bargain with The Seller Est Agent and discuss this concern.  And for this reason you could put in a lower offer and walk away. Then wait for The Agent to approach you on The Sale. This negative aspect of having a Prision close by may give you negotiating power.Renting It out should be Fine!Remember that Mel…[Read more]

  • Melbourne3000 replied to the topic Do you really need a bath? in the forum Value Adding 15 years ago

    Hi, If It will be just yourselves Living In The House then you can go ahead and get rid of The Bath altogether and do what you suggested with a Double Shower.However If you are going to Lease This House out or sell The House at a Later stage you need to know that you may be limiting yourselves to prospective Tenants and Future Buyers.Ask Yourself…[Read more]
