Shaun you should have let me know – we could have gone halves.
You would have got the dedication and the first half of the book, I would get the second. With the mystery gift, we could probably have cut that in half too []
setmefree, it depends how much you earn and spend now. If your current income is enough or more than enough, then you would be able to be ‘free’ if you earn that same amount..
However, you might want to (at that point) keep investing so that you can increase the amount, so that you can have the odd holiday etc. etc. Kiyosaki said that he did not become rich until he retired – cos he then had all the time he wanted to spend investing and making better deals…
But Del, it’s only Macleod’s Daughter now… I stopped watching it when they killed Claire off – soooooo not happy, and then I see that they gave BOM away (Mum still watches it, so I see bits and pieces, sometimes a whole episode)
In the big scheme of things, a $10K hit right now on sale won’t cost as much as the negative gearing and extra mortgage you’ll have on your new PPOR.
Sell, put money towards your new PPOR, then reborrow that money so that it is tax deductible and buy IPs from there…
I guess it also depends if you want to own IPs – at the moment it looks like you are considering it cos you can’t sell your house? A lot of people become investors that way from what I’ve read (Jan Somers book/research from memory).
Jamie, why don’t you keep one of the houses you build in each estate? Obviously they are profitable for you, and you could use some of the other profit to fund any shortfall from the rent…
Seems you’re in the best place – being first into the estate, esp if prices rise in subsequent houses in said estate…
g7, ideally I agree. One building, one tenant (preferably government on a 25 year lease[biggrin]) would be awesome!
In an excellent location, you could probably do well – but a good building would probably cost more than $10m. With 100 houses you have a loooooot more paperwork etc. but less risk (unless they’re all in the same town, and there’s only 105 houses!) of something major happening to all of them at once.
If I had 100 houses, I would look at doing what Robert Allen has done in the past, and that is to hire one person (or persons) to manage the whole lot – and also to scout for other deals, of all kinds. I suppose I should have the financials to go for the bigger buildings too by then….
You have not said that we have sold it, so it’s $38K – annual costs.
c) $18350.
Again, we haven’t sold it, so it’s $38K – annual costs, minus another $10K cos we paid somebody 50% interest to borrow the other $20K to cover our costs!!