When we handed our property over to a PM, we gave them two sets of keys. They still charged us to cut another set – I think they gave two sets to the tenants. I would definitely look at giving the PM the locksmith’s bill (they’ll just pass it to the owner anyway), especially as you let them use your set of keys. What would they have done if you…[Read more]
Aaron, I would have thought it’s a matter of advertising to then sell it – if that’s what you want to do. Telling your purchaser that it will be a simultaneous settlement of course – as their solicitor will find out that you do not own it when they do their searches.
If your parents plan to stay in the place until either they shift to a self care/nursing home facility, or until they leave this earth – why not set up a family trust, and use it to buy the property? This way, your folks can still live in it, you can control it and use the equity for further borrowing, and there’s no worry about the…[Read more]
Hey Elves, if I was your friends, I would be changing the rules of how everybody is paid.
They could be paid on the basis that if their unit is rented, they get the money. But it could also be done on a gross income basis. If the managers own units, this is what I would be opting for.
It does then make it a little unfair for those who spend the…[Read more]
Bear, I think we might find that there will be some property investors (or should I say ‘speculators’) who will lose more than just their deposit when it comes time to settle on their OTP apartments and they find that the value is substantially less than their purchase price.
Westan, having all your money in only HIH, or having a portfolio filled…[Read more]
Mini, I sort of hoped you’d comment as I knew you rented in Paddington.
Pisces, thanks also for your comments.
Tenants in Common (there’s a REALLY good article in this month’s API that opened my eyes to the financial side of it) just means that you can buy the property in unequal shares. The property is also then able to be sold by either…[Read more]
Originally posted by capitalist:
“How To Create An Income For Life”
By Margaret Lomas.
A fantastic book that is easy to read, written by a lady with lots of enthusiasm. For an insight to positive property, this could be your Bible!
“How To Make Your Money Last As Long As You Do”
By Margaret Lomas.
A good read, mainly for novice investors. This…[Read more]
Originally posted by Julian:
Mr. Henry Kaye’s defination of millionairs is a person who control (or in partnership nature ) one million value of property , so this is the secret how he make mass production of millionair in a short time.
Is that not also Mr Steve McKnight definition of Millionaire?
1) controlling a million dollars worth of…[Read more]
I attended at least 3 of Henry’s courses – totalling $12K (for two of us), $15K (for two of us), and $55K for me! I was actually in the middle of this 2 year long program when Henry called the recievers in, and we were due to meet up with him that weekend.
I can safely say that even though the $55K course…[Read more]
I lost $175K in some deals buying off the plan – not because the price didn’t go up, but because our finance fell through at the last minute.
However, that just made me more determined to ‘get it right’ the next time, so that I could recoup that money (we did, and some – thankfully[]). My partner wouldn’t have done it again, but I think it’s…[Read more]
You never did tell us you were going, you sly old thing. Guess I might have a chance to catch up on the week that I missed while you and Guru run away together…..[}]
Originally posted by Still in School:
Oh Hi Mel… [:X]
We were all wondering, where you went hiding off, in the last few days…
Missing Persons… Wanted found Dead or Alive “Melbear”
Hey SIS. Sad that you mention ‘Dead or Alive’. I came home (I was housesitting for my sit) on the 31st Jan to find her puppy dog dead in the…[Read more]
In regards to deposit size, I have bought properties recently in NSW and the ACT.
My exchanged deposit was $1000, but there was a form in the contract that I had to sign that basically said if I defaulted, then I owed the purchaser a debt of 10% of the purchase price. So no getting away with it. Yes, they’d have to chase me up, but if it was…[Read more]
Hey Pisces, I’ve got a friend whose ex-mother in law (are they still mother in law if your spouse is deceased?) did exactly the same thing. Although it might not have been Manly, but it certainly rings a bell. Thankfully I think she’s happy enough up there – her son followed her up there anyway so that he could continue to scavenge.
My point was that there could have been some rental demand for those civvies that got shifted down to Laverton from Canberra. I know that if I had to go (not that I would, I would change jobs first), I would prefer to start living close to work for the first 12 months or so before I was happy that I knew my way around and moved on.