Guys, just cos it doesn’t meet the 11ss doesn’t mean it will be negative. It could be neutral.
Martine, you have done really well with your purchases, and your strategy seems fine by me. To work out if it will be CF-, CF+ or neutral, work out your interest costs, rates, etc. etc. and subtract them from the rent. That will tell you where you…[Read more]
Anne, if you own the first outright, and earn $100pw, and borrow all for the second, and earn $85pw, your total rent is $185pw.
I doubt your interest costs on the new purchase of (approx) $85K would be $185pw. So you would be in front, and would still have your $40K for further investing, and also ‘sleep money’ to cover you if anything drastic…[Read more]
What you should probably do is contact an insurance company (or a broker), and tell them you’ve just bought a house, it’s current value is $x, but you will be renovating. Ask them how often and how much it would be to up the insurance policy every month or so as you do the work, or if you should insure it for the future…[Read more]
Actually, on second thoughts, I think that there might be a basis in that for commercial properties, but not residential, and I think they have to be owned in your own name to get this benefit.
Never heard that one. Can’t believe it either, that sounds like the government is not clawing back all the money that they can. If you get confirmation either way, it would be good to know.
Battz, for creative financing, I would seriously look at ‘Creating Wealth’ ($24.95 from Dymocks) by Robert Allen – the author also of Nothing Down (From – Nothing Down:How to Buy Real Estate with Little or No Money Down (Revised ed) – $49.95 No Money down for the 90’s)
Not readily available in bookstores, but easy to order in.
I see that one of the States (either ACT or NSW I think) is wanting to offer scholarships to fellas only to try to get more blokes into the profession.
Looks like the parliament is not going to exempt them from the anti discrimination laws though so it won’t get through.