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Meeg The Deeg

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic Adding Window Shutters in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Dear Chris,
    I have greatly enjoyed your enthusiasm and passion for investing, and the way you ask lots of questions – and get lots of replies. You are thinking outside the box. I so enjoyed Woodrows mentor letter (especially about the software and Council regs – which I did figure were all bouncing ’round in your head[exhappy])
    I do believe…[Read more]

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic Is this a good deal? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hey Lena,
    A couple of things I’d think about. How much you can push the asking price down and still keep your new tenant (old owner) on bourd. How well did they liik after the place when they lived in it and owned it. Also, how easily will you be able to rent it out if the current tenant wants to move out. My husband and I had a few nervous…[Read more]

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic Amount of rent based on tenants speed. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    In Steve’s book – 0-130, he did a deal with the local video shop in video vouchers for tenants who paid on time. The tenant was happy with his new releases, the video shop owner was happy with the extra sales he made with the tenant in the shop, and Steve was happy with the tenant paying on time. Steve’s win-win situations. My husband and…[Read more]

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic Opening a fish and Chips store ! in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years ago

    Sounds great Giullio,
    This is not wonderfully healthy but…. pumpkin scallops are brilliant.

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic Cashflow Positive or Capital Growth? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hey Paul,
    I live in northwest NSW, in a country town. Because we know the area, we have chosen to invest in the region. Not only in our town but in another. Because we are here we know what is going on, how the area works, and what we can expect. We have experienced strong growth on a place we bought for 65000, then spent 10000 on several…[Read more]

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic Girlfriend don’t like my idea. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    So glad you’re excited Drac. Don’t blow your HSC though. You’ve worked too hard so far not to give it another few months. Find and keep the balance – with your school gear at the moment, your girlfriend because presumably you’ll be working on life together for a very long time, and your future plans of financial security. I think investing is…[Read more]

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic first home buyer in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hey Shrimpo,
    I know you are probably in a hurry when you write, but please also think of us readers who have to translate what you are asking because you’ ve left letters out of words! [biggrin]

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic Increase rent – Increase value in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    You might get away with one, but how many commercial premises can you rent to yourself at inflated prices?[hat2]

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic What if they die before you settle? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Thanks Terry,
    Does it slow anything down. The family are happy with the sale and everything. It just did cross my mind…..
    Meeg The Deeg

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic personal loan…HELP! in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    You are sooooo funny Foundation. That letter is a crack up.I don’t know how you’ll go with it Nathan but give it your best shot [thumbsupanim]

  • Meeg The Deeg replied to the topic personal loan…HELP! in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Be careful in asking and involving family and friends (and their dollars). As you are just starting out I think you’ll feel more comfortable and confident after you and your partner prove to yourselves that you can put the hard work in – let’s face it, we have to service these loans for a mighty long time. It may slow down your entry to…[Read more]

  • My husband and I (trumpet blast), have three sons, and yes, we are actively teaching them about investing. At ages 11,9 and 5, it is only the 5 year old who is currently interested. They get pocket money from when they start school -70c for each year of life (they don’t get much but they don’t need much). We teach them to Tithe the first 10%…[Read more]

Meeg The Deeg