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  • mcdeyess replied to the topic housing shortage 1000 people a week into qld in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    Here are some recent net migration figures for various states. Unfortunatley it isn’t broken down by city [glum]!OpenDocument

    Basically for QLD it says that numbers are down from last year. As I see the math this is about 515 (Net) people…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic A Sceptic’s View of the Property Boom in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    here is the article

    A sceptic’s view of the property boom

    The game has changed and not for the better, in the opinion of Bill Bowness, who says it could end in tears.
    Bill Bowness fairly drips with caution. With a dogged prudence he has ridden the booms and the busts of property for more than 30 years.

    Last month he decided to sell up in a $330…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic Friday fun: Building inspection nightmares! in the forum General Property 18 years ago

    My partner and I love property ladder, selling houses and how to be a property developer. They are great shows to watch. The american reno shows on the how to channel are so scary. Over there is seems anyone can do electrical and plumbing work. The show is like “this is so easy” as they plumb a bathroom or wire up a kitchen!!!!
    Things like…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic A simple trust question… I think in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago

    Thank you all for your responses. You have made things that little bit clearer. I am printing out the ATO guide and will review it in more detail, I did look at it initially but found it confusing as it is combined with information for partnerships. I think it will make more sense now thanks to your assistance.
    I am also looking to get one of…[Read more]

  • Great post Clones a very interesting article.

    I must admit to being completley naive with regards to Super in particular SMSF. I know how much super I have and the contributions my employer and I make but that is about it.

    Can anyone explain to me how this “tax-free” super is some kind of super investment? (no pun…[Read more]

  • Terry and Cata,

    Thanks for your thoughts. I appreciate the opinons of more experienced investors such as yourselves. I will try it and see how I go this year [biggrin]


  • mcdeyess replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    I will answer wealth4life’s question first with regards to what our long term goal is in property (though it is probably better suited to a post of it’s own)

    I am in my late 20’s (partner early 30’s) and have a long term goal of being semi-retired by 2020. For us this would require approximatley a 1.5 – 2 million dollar property portfolio…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic Interest rates up property prices to fall further in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Hmm rents are increasing also though never enough to catch up to consecutive interest rate increases.
    If I took a simplistic view then I would say that the rise would cause a drop in prices however I feel that even if it was a .5% rise this time that the price never really drops but doesn’t keep pace with inflation and other economic factors like…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic Cheap but Good Quality Kitchen Bench guy.Anyone? in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago


    I have been looking at this product in QLD

    This resurfaces your existing benchtops with a granite based product. It has a 10 year warranty and is apparently reasonably priced though I haven’t got a quote yet.

    I am not typically a fan of resurfacing however a friend of mine worked for a…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic Meeting in Brisbane North in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Hello all,

    I think this is a fantastic idea. My partner and I are based in Brisbane. We have one investment property and are interested in getting more into the game. It would be great to talk to other like minded people. August 2nd 7.30 at breakfast creek was published. Is that the go?


  • Thanks Terry, this sure is theoretical. I am just trying to put the research together for how this whole thing is going to work. My partner and I are young, have time, equity (from our 1 ip) and cash. It is just a matter of whether the market in QLD is right and if we can make a profit that is worth our time. We both enjoy looking at the…[Read more]

  • I am not carrying out a business…. yet. I wanted to try my hand with a few renovations and see how it went.
    I only have one investment property and was looking to do a few reno’s next year. My tax is all sorted this year, I am planning how things will go next year. I am one of those crazy people who likes to do some research before spending…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic Tax considerations if you buy renovate and sell? in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    Thanks foundation, a very interesting link. I believe I would fall in to this category;


    profit making activity of property renovation, your position may be briefly summarised as:

    the CGT discount and the main residence exemption do not reduce your net profit
    your net profit (or loss) is included in your income tax return – it is…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum General Property 19 years ago

    Have you thought about shares? The current commodities boom is going well thanks to our friends in China [biggrin]

    Though it is good to diversify I am guessing you were asking more specifically about property.
    I bought my first investment property a few years ago in QLD without knowing too much and just wanting to get into the game. It is going…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic Opinions on DIY Flat pack kitchens in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Thanks very much to everyone who has responded, I appreciate the feedback. [biggrin]

    I did have a quick look at IKEA kitchens, they did seem a bit more expensive but perhaps the quality is better. I am mindful of the time it may take to do the work. I have only previously ripped a kitchen out and not installed a new one.
    I will look out for…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic Reno Strategy – good for any time of the cyle? in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago

    Hi there,

    I am based in QLD, I have one investment property and am looking to get another to renovate and rent/on-sell. I thought this was a good question with regards to how the current market is with regards to renovations.
    Even in an up market there are opportunities to find a bargain but I guess you possibly limit your profit potential?? I…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic what is a good salary these days? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    It isn’t often you hear a bombers fan say this but “Well done Richmond” [:D]

    I think typically no matter how much you earn you always want more. I have climbed the ladder in my industry and you always adjust to your new pay level. Even when I got a 13K pa rise in pay it only took about 6 months to think…well it’s good but more would be better.…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic Needs Suggestions & Motivations for Saving Plan in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Writing down what you spend your money on before you start is the best way to go in my opinion. My accounting class was set to do this as our first task in UNI so we could build a ledger, profit and loss etc. It opens your eye’s as to where you spend your money.
    I have an excel spreadsheet that I have configured with mine and my partners budget,…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic To sell or not to sell…. in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Without knowing where these properties are a 100% return on your investment is brilliant, the times when people run into trouble is when they get greedy. If you are looking to sell, now is the time. If you are concerned about penalties from fixed rate loans, why not sell one now and wait a few years to get rid of the other without a penalty. I…[Read more]

  • mcdeyess replied to the topic possitive gearing in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    As much as I would like to give you an easy answer, there really isn’t one. If there was some magic town/suburb where all property was positively geared then it would be snapped up pretty quickly wouldn’t it. It comes down to looking around, QLD has better opportunities than most states. Many people buying +geared at the moment are…[Read more]

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