Maynard replied to the topic What do people think about PIPS? in the forum No Subject 20 years, 1 month ago
G’day everyone,
Just thought id write a follow up to my original post.
The main reason for talking about PIPS was not because i was advocating it in anyway, i was just interested to see if anyone else had heard of it and what they thought of it.DD if you will.
But, since i have last posted i belive this PIPS thing to be somewhat of a ponzi…[Read more]
Maynard replied to the topic What do people think about PIPS? in the forum Heads Up! 20 years, 2 months ago
2% per day. exactly that.
Do a search for PIPS or pureinvestor on the net, or go look in the forums at
now that ive started to look, there seems to be a lot of what people call HYIP’s (High Yield Investment Programs) all over the internet.
just wondering if some people could check these out and let me know what they think of…[Read more]