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  • maximus replied to the topic An attack of the should i buy ‘cold feet’ ATTACK in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hi ya Tankbusterboy (what a name).Just look at when you were first thinkimg of buying an investment property. I bet prices have gone up since then. There is always some risk associated with any investment but as long as you buy a property and look after it (maintenance), you should be on a winner. A recent forecast sees Brisbane property rising by…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Housing affordability in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Joff. Fantastic to see you caring for your family. As other people have said, it is always a struggle when you first take on a mortgage. Always has been, always will be. Doesn’t seem fair that someone should have to move a bit further out from their family, but that is what most of us do. I bought my first house in Sydney in an area I said I…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic your PI strategy in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hey Youngie (and wild nothing). I’m slightly older than you guys (like, nearly double) and the information overload thing still affects me too, so dont worry. Thats probably a good thing as it shows you guys are researching, researching and more researching. I only started property investing 5-6 years ago and there is so much more info “out there”…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Millionaire Maker – Peter Spann in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hi there Chandara. I attended a 3 day seminar that Spanny hosted a few years back. He’s very good at what he does but now that I also am a bit wiser, I wish I’d put the couple of grand I spent on a loan or towards another deposit. Nothing against Peter Spann, as I said he’s very good and motivational and at the time I probably needed the…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Both name or one name on Title in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hi ya Katsu. My understanding is that you should buy the property in the name of the highest wage earner when it is to be negatively geared (for tax purposes). You can still put tyour name on the loan if you wish as long as your partners name (only) appears on the actual purchase contract of the house. Pretty sure you will have to pay stamp duty…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Hard decision…..Advice please. in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 2 months ago

    Brendan, how about this. Sell your mother and reduce some debt or put your mother in the unit. Just kidding. I too would try hard to hang on to both properties because if your hunch is right it sounds like both could great CG. As advised by others, definately shop around for your finance. All the best.

  • maximus replied to the topic To hold or to sell in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks Scott. I more than likely will hang to it in the hope that Broadbeach does have some good capital growth, which I’m sure it will. My only other concern was that there maybe too many high rise’s going up in Broadbeach (a fact I’m not sure on). Regardless, it is nice to hear (or read in this case)someone say what I was already thinking.

  • maximus replied to the topic can I move into my I/P? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    I think I’m more confused now than before I asked the question, lol. To clarify, I live in Sydney and the I/P is in Brisbane, it has been rented out from day one (I have never lived in it), but if I moved into it at a later date and did not sell, I should NOT be up for C.G.T. Is that correct?

  • maximus replied to the topic can I move into my I/P? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Thank you Terry for your swift reply, you seem to be somewhat of a guru (along with others) on this forum and your advice/input is greatly appreciated by myself and I’m sure others. I didn’t think I would be up for the dreaded C.G.T. (unless I sold) but just wanted to check.
    Thanx again

  • maximus replied to the topic IP-Brisbane mkt in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 2 months ago

    Be very careful about signing anything. I have heard of people buying under the circumstances you described and finding out much later that what they bought was grossly overpriced and it took years for the property to reach what they paid.[:(!] Try and do your own research, or at least ring some local real estate agents in the area where you are to…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Help with interest only loan in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Thanx for your advice guys. I probably should have clarified that what I’m trying to do is eliminate debt. I’m not too worried about losing the tax benefits. The point I was trying to make was that I could reduce monthly repayments by paying extra off my I/O loan (if I choose to) but wasn’t compelled. It is only MY belief, but I think that…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic I.O. / P&I / repay own mortgage quicker?? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Ditto. I would definately pay off the PPOR first.Just be careful of possible fees converting from P&I to I/O on your investment loans. I had a question re P&I and I/O myself but my situation is different to yours.

  • maximus replied to the topic EDESTINY…………Should I or Shouldn’t I? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hi there Gavalynn. I too agree with the replies here. There are expensive seminars out there and there are some free seminars too but you will have to buy sooner or later (if you choose to) with or without a seminar. I have attended different seminars over the years, to get a few different ideas (some free, some paid for) but still did my own…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Roll Call in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    Must be my turn. First of all, GREAT IDEA Leigh.Have only recently discovered this site, (it is fantastic). Where do you start? My name is Marty, I’m 39, very happily married (to Karen) and have a 16 year old son (Jake) who is my life. We live in Sydney, but hope to move to Qld somewhere down the track. My life was turned around and upside down…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Cootamundra and or Dubbo areas? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    Hi again guys. Re Cootamundra, I have spoken to a couple of Real Estate agents in the area and have been told that a decent property will cost $100–120000 to buy and should rent out for $140-160 a week. By these figures it means I would have to put in approx $$50000 as a deposit to make it +ve (thats also allowing for rates etc). What are your…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic 1 deposit or 2??? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    Thanx to everyone for their advice. Definately gives me food for thought. I was thinking of maybe 2 deposits, but you guys have made sense in suggesting going for more. Only problem now is to find the area/s to invest in that will produce a positive cashflow. Any more suggestions?????
    Thanx again
    P.S. This site rocks. It is so good to be able to…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic 1 deposit or 2??? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 3 months ago

    To TerryW. 4 or 5 sounds great. Just what I’m looking for, but where on earth do I find these type of properties that would be cashflow positive with such small deposit/s. Have searched the net for these type of properties, but very hard (if not impossible) to find.Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places. Once again, any input is greatly appreciated

  • maximus replied to the topic 1 deposit or 2??? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    Thanx AD. What I’m trying to achieve is to eventually live off the rents of investment properties (aren’t we all). We (my wife and myself) have a few IP’s already, some neative and some positive (with tax deductions etc). So what I’m trying to do is find positive cashflow property/ies (hopefully with growth). I prefer houses but am also open to…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic 1 deposit or 2??? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 3 months ago

    Sorry about that, I should have clarified. The 80-100,000 would be deposit.


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