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  • maximus replied to the topic Assett Rich, Income Poor in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Catichau, as you can see, the general consensus is to get yourself a good mortgage broker. Find one you feel comfortable with as a good broker will prove invaluable now and in the future.

    All the best


  • maximus replied to the topic WHAT TO DO in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Oops, my mistake aj. For some reason, my eyes read LOC but my brain comprehended deposit, probably too early for me. I stand corrected.



  • maximus replied to the topic WHAT TO DO in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi again Gus. My approach would be (as you dont need money) to use use some of the money as hefty deposits on good capital growth property. I say hefty as you dont need to sus out positive cashflow props so you can afford to buy more upmarket properties that would be negative if you didnt put a hefty deposit on it.



  • maximus replied to the topic Will you buy if -ve gearing is abolished? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hey trueblue and others. I would definately be affected if neg. gearing was abolished, but it wouldn’t stop me. I’d re-arrange my loans then buy very carefully selected properties, so yes, I still would buy.



  • maximus replied to the topic positive gear property in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi guys. Don’t think that you would find a positive house in Sydney. Possibly NSW, but very doubtful Sydney. In saying that, I’m in consolidation mode at the moment, so haven’t been looking too hard, so who knows…..

    All the best


  • maximus replied to the topic my news of the day….!!! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Well done Mini (no,not on the fire silly), your attitude is one that is obviously needed in any type of business and like I told you before, you are a glass half full type of person. I’m sure you will come through this a better (and wiser) person.



  • maximus replied to the topic Living The Dream ?!?! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Gus. You’re story was the exact reason I posted this thread in the first place. If you could elaborate, it would be great, but I also respect your privacy. Very inspirational, I hope a few more stories will follow.



  • maximus replied to the topic renting a spouse? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    I’ll pay someone to rent my spouse, just kidding, gotta go, here she comes.

    Nothing Darling, just sendind an email.


  • maximus replied to the topic Want to see what all my properties look like…??? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Steve, you said for sale to the highest bidder, maybe that should be to the highest climber



  • maximus replied to the topic Bestseller! Thanks! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi. Thought I’d be smart and order the book from an online book store as I assumed that orders from here would be astronomical. Well, that was nearly 2 weeks ago and I’m still waiting (sucked in me). Seems the book shop ran out of copies and had to order more in. Anyway Steve, congratulations on your book, good to see it selling well.



  • maximus replied to the topic who is/is not buying at the moment in the forum No Subject 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi again all and especially to Michael and Kaye, congratulations to you both on making it happen. I think that is truly fantastic but hope you keep contributing to this forum as I for one have enjoyed your well meaning and “speaking from experience” responses. To the subject; I’m just seeing what happens for the moment with interest rates, housing…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic stigma in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi all. Personally, I dont care what naysayers have to say. I’ve had a couple of things happen in my life that made realise “life REALLY is too short”. I say that if you believe in something (I believe in I/P’S), then go for it. A favourite saying of mine before assessing any situation is “what’s the worst thing that could happen” and invariably…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic buying outside your state in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    How ya going Alf. Have read where some people buy property without seeing it (as long as the figures add up) but I personally like to SEE what I am buying. I first research wherever I intend on purchasing via internet and phone calls, then I go there to get a “feel for the place”, then I’ll do my sums etc. Hope this helps.



  • maximus replied to the topic Living with a high level of debt… in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi jstuart. I think it’s about living with a debt that you feel comfortable with. If you cant sleep at night because you’re worried about your debt, be more conservative with your approach to investing. I posed a question on this forum recently whether anyone was thinking of changing their strategy with talk of rate hikes in the future. I agree…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic I’m hooked in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi suzie. Welcome and well done. I wouldn’t worry too much about trying to look better in the banks eyes. Your broker will let you know if figures stack up. If your bank says “no more money” for whatever reason, go somewhere else.



  • maximus replied to the topic Living The Dream ?!?! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Benson. Good luck with retiring by 40. Kids, I’m sure you will find will definately delay your plans, but who cares, they are the most important contribution you can make to society and worth the effort. Puts everything into perspective. But I still want to retire early, lol. All the best with both, i.e kids and investing.



  • maximus replied to the topic Please read in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Paul. Property investing might be just the thing for you. As long as you can get to a phone to talk to a property mgr, you should be fine. Some people buy property without even looking at it ( I personally like to see what I’m buying). Once you buy, as I mentioned, let a good property mgr take care of things for you. Just keep doing your…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic Which suburb in Redlandshire in the forum No Subject 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi 6×1. I personally like Redland Bay (have mentioned it a few times on this forum, or Victoria Point as it is my belief that they (as well as the Redland Shire ) still have plenty of growth left in them and traditionally bayside suburbs on the east coast of Australia have always been good performers. Yield will not be as good as was approx…[Read more]

  • maximus replied to the topic “Search Function” on this site in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks Michael. Will try to be a bit more patient, just seemed to be taking forever. Maybe time to update my equipment.



  • maximus replied to the topic Brisbane in the forum No Subject 21 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Raylee. Just a thought, but how about buying a decent property in Redland Bay where you will get great growth (and not a bad yield) and 1 or 2 cheaper properties in the Ipswich area which should give not a bad yield and possibly even good growth if you are buying long term. I have I/P’s in both areas and all is going well. Hope this…[Read more]

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